August Hunicke Videos

Where the heck is Jed anyways?

Ahhh, Gents... I've been so wrapped up in stuff:.. I just got into my first real pissing-match with my assistant manager at work... the whole thing just went so very sideways. Had to go groveling, cap in hand with a pretty fake apology just to retain my job, basically.

Reg: I am tall, thin/guant, narrow-shouldered, dark complected, big-nosed, big eared, with blue eyes and brown hair. Some folks have to work at humility. Mother Nature just imposes it on the rest of us. (Did that sound too :whine:) So, in this sense, I'd hardly call humility a virtue. Now, if this isn't utter vainity, what is? August pointed to the paradoxical nature of trying to develop some sort of a sliding scale for humility. Vanity... that's probably even tougher.

Butch: Sickest vid ever. It's really important to devote plenty of footage to the chips flying out of the chipper shoot. :lol:
Reg, it seems that I unknowingly stepped into something that had been going on for a long time between you and August.
I want to apologize for that and for siccing Herr. Sigmund Freud on you.
That was uncalled for, but I didn't know it at the time.

Now you almost sound gay. Stop it. There's no need. Come back when you're testosterone is back up at capacity again.
Nope, just trying to be a bit less assholish than usual.
( Still need to know if that is an actual word, BTW).

I didn't know I was stepping into a fight between 2 others, or I would have handled it differently.

I usually teach my Karate students that the best way to break up a fight is to simply knock one of the fighters out from the back, before they realize you are there.
Kind of hard to do via internet:D

Also, one of the things that makes this place special is that we usually apologize, when we feel we've stepped on someone's toes.
Asshole-ish is a more readable, made-up word, than Assholish, which reads like it would rhyme with...ass-polish.

Aren't all words made up, though?
The cleverness level of TH members comments is pegged.
"Mother Nature imposed humility"
Alcohol "a stage" to manhood
(True in my case, if I'm there yet)
Hearing your name called by "squeaky brakes"
etc etc
Well I gotta say, I met both August and Reg for a very brief moment in Hartford a few years back and... they are both completely self absorbed assholes!
Nope, just trying to be a bit less assholish than usual.
( Still need to know if that is an actual word, BTW).

I didn't know I was stepping into a fight between 2 others, or I would have handled it differently.

I usually teach my Karate students that the best way to break up a fight is to simply knock one of the fighters out from the back, before they realize you are there.
Kind of hard to do via internet:D

Also, one of the things that makes this place special is that we usually apologize, when we feel we've stepped on someone's toes.
Id sooner you just stay an asshole, but I suppose it's ok to take time off once in a while. Seriously Stigggggggggggh, nothing to apologize for. Storm in a teacup. Time to move on
Sorry is a board game!

Nah, you guys were actually both very polite. That was an odd experience for me all around though, too many tree guys in one place for me.
Yup, but the "G" is soft.
It sort of fades away.
So it is not Stick, it is more like Stigggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg.
Mail order bride had a hard time with that.

No problem. In the US I am Stig with ahard G and ind the german speaking countries I am Der Stieg.

Why couldn't they just have named me " Mike " or something like that?

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Is there a link for that quote Thomas? It does not show up on Tapatalk. Speaking of Jed, I'm curious to hear more about that hat in hand story. How does the king of humble get himself into a hat in hand situation?
I have to assume that any person capable of having a major beef with you is terminally ass-holish (to borrow a Treehouse corrected word from Stig.)
I usually teach my Karate students that the best way to break up a fight is to simply knock one of the fighters out from the back, before they realize you are there.

What's the best way to do that, punch to the back of the skull?
Back of the skull you might just make him mad...base of the skull is a different matter. But be careful...that's an area where you can also kill pretty easily..medulla oblongata.
Hammerfist or elbow to the medulla oblongata.
No reason to break a knuckle when you don't have to.
Most people are pretty lax about hardening their knuckles, so they should only punch when absolutely necessary.

Then there are others who go way overboard with the hardening stuff:
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I used to do that when I was young.
300 punches and strikes on the makiwara every day after work.
I could stand a brick on end and punch through it back then.
I got somewhat smarter with age:D
(to borrow a Treehouse corrected word from Stig.)

That was really funny, August. I'll let you know more about it if I ever even get it figured out. I think for now I still have a job, but almost wish I didn't. Man, I wanna go helilogging with Reg. As for the "king of humble," thing... that's also really funny and hits at the paradox thing again. The truth is, in my case... it's simply not true. I think I've mentioned on here recently my boot camp story of being called humble and arrogant all in the same week. You can't tell me life's not weird.
I remember that treehouse-Jed lore!!!! And it's not even about me!! There's hope for me! I've moved up one rung from the lowest of the vain. That's pretty great of me… Oh shoot I'm back there again.
Actually Jed, please tell me that story again. Something about one person telling you one thing and then a drill sergeant or something telling you another.
The best description of me that I have heard before is that I am an ego-maniac with an inferiority complex.