Tirfor is an abbreviation of "tire fort" French for "pull hard"
Just thought I'd mention it
Just thought I'd mention it
It just amused me to see, what it takes to be "non-fake".
Tirfor is an abbreviation of "tire fort" French for "pull hard"
Just thought I'd mention it
There's the potential for a really interesting discussion here. August's thread may not really be the ideal place and I doubt if most who are interested would even have the patience for it (I'm not sure I do!), so please drop my little remark here like a bad habit if it's a bore, but I've seen a lot of our younger guys exhibit what is, to me, an inexplicable disdain for any "redneckery." For them the important thing seems to be maintaining a really low temper, dressing like someone who should be working in a coffee shop, and always remaining non-expressive emotionally even when a really huge dead tree hits the ground, in short... always acting like a tousle-headed Byronic poet who was somehow unfortunately forced into tree work. The end result from my perspective, is that they remain as miserable as the rainwater seeping through the holes in their Petzls. (No offense, Euros!!) (Hey... if that's all you have... that's all you have.)
But the interesting disgussion is not about whether you fancy yourself a non-expressive, level-headed rationalist, or an enthusiastic ("charismatic" as Benn would have it) red-neck, as if one had to be either-or, and we weren't allowed to fall between two stools. The interesting thing is the joyous life and fresh-air, that a character like Billy Ray would bring, for some, and the pure nausea his antics would induce in others.
For me, at any rate, one thing remains certain... I'd a thousand times rather have his emotional temper than the one that I have, and I shall henceforward strive to amend myself.![]()
honestly, I feel dim-witted and go through life with no real plan but also not a lot of worry either. ..
I feel disloyal to myself and my opportunities if I don't try to convey the wonder of whatever I am impressed by....
I am convinced that there is a #1 bestseller that could be written about every human who has ever lived or ever will live. ...
10,000 words to simply say, it takes all kinds.
I will ask this though: What if we were all God's GoPro cameras?
...The Americans are largely descended from the English...
I am convinced that there is a #1 bestseller that could be written about every human who has ever lived or ever will live.
So, I didn't really know where I was going with this when I started but where I am ending up is, I think everyone should be willing to alter themselves to make progress but they should be progressing towards who they are and not necessarily who someone else is.
10,000 words to simply say, it takes all kinds.
but this place is cool in that it has to allow for the occasional odd-ball.
You were up early today Jed ?
Does Christianity teach you to be modest ? Was just wondering. Thanks
In answer to the second question.... It's supposed to teach you humility, which is, I think slightly different from modesty... but clearly, it hasn't worked on me yet. I fancy that most folk's modesty/humillity is largely just affectation. If any of us ever met a truley humble person I think that the reaction that it would produce in ourselves would be something akin to awe.