August Hunicke Videos

It just amused me to see, what it takes to be "non-fake".

There's the potential for a really interesting discussion here. August's thread may not really be the ideal place and I doubt if most who are interested would even have the patience for it (I'm not sure I do!), so please drop my little remark here like a bad habit if it's a bore, but I've seen a lot of our younger guys exhibit what is, to me, an inexplicable disdain for any "redneckery." For them the important thing seems to be maintaining a really low temper, dressing like someone who should be working in a coffee shop, and always remaining non-expressive emotionally even when a really huge dead tree hits the ground, in short... always acting like a tousle-headed Byronic poet who was somehow unfortunately forced into tree work. The end result from my perspective, is that they remain as miserable as the rainwater seeping through the holes in their Petzls. (No offense, Euros!!) (Hey... if that's all you have... that's all you have. ;))

But the interesting disgussion is not about whether you fancy yourself a non-expressive, level-headed rationalist, or an enthusiastic ("charismatic" as Benn would have it) red-neck, as if one had to be either-or, and we weren't allowed to fall between two stools. The interesting thing is the joyous life and fresh-air, that a character like Billy Ray would bring, for some, and the pure nausea his antics would induce in others.

For me, at any rate, one thing remains certain... I'd a thousand times rather have his emotional temper than the one that I have, and I shall henceforward strive to amend myself. :drink:
Cool new avatar Benn. My new rope splicing friend has that exact setup. He's got the Roperunner too. He let me have a go... OHHhhhhh, MAN do we need one of those things.
There's the potential for a really interesting discussion here. August's thread may not really be the ideal place and I doubt if most who are interested would even have the patience for it (I'm not sure I do!), so please drop my little remark here like a bad habit if it's a bore, but I've seen a lot of our younger guys exhibit what is, to me, an inexplicable disdain for any "redneckery." For them the important thing seems to be maintaining a really low temper, dressing like someone who should be working in a coffee shop, and always remaining non-expressive emotionally even when a really huge dead tree hits the ground, in short... always acting like a tousle-headed Byronic poet who was somehow unfortunately forced into tree work. The end result from my perspective, is that they remain as miserable as the rainwater seeping through the holes in their Petzls. (No offense, Euros!!) (Hey... if that's all you have... that's all you have. ;))

But the interesting disgussion is not about whether you fancy yourself a non-expressive, level-headed rationalist, or an enthusiastic ("charismatic" as Benn would have it) red-neck, as if one had to be either-or, and we weren't allowed to fall between two stools. The interesting thing is the joyous life and fresh-air, that a character like Billy Ray would bring, for some, and the pure nausea his antics would induce in others.

For me, at any rate, one thing remains certain... I'd a thousand times rather have his emotional temper than the one that I have, and I shall henceforward strive to amend myself. :drink:

Love this post although I've reread it 10 times to try and understand it. Which is probably a good indicator that I have some of that red-neckery in me because, honestly, I feel dim-witted and go through life with no real plan but also not a lot of worry either. Actually, as I ponder my MO even now, it's not that I don't have a plan. It's just that I have always JUST made the plan on the fly. I've brought most of the bad things that have happened to me on myself and can really claim none of the good things. It's like they just fall on me. Sounds negative, I know but it's how I feel. I stumble upon answers.
Not sure how to respond to Jed's post except to just blurt out whatever it stirs up. And it definitely provokes thought.
Mainly when he says he'll strive to "amend" himself.
Part of me heartily agrees with that statement because I believe in making character change progress. But another part of me wants to defend Jed as he is. Because everyone is different and so they should just bring whatever they are. Salt of the earth and all that. Actually Billy Ray and Jed seem similar to me. (Even the names) but Billy Ray has videos. If Jed had videos (do you Jed?) I would expect something similar in gregariousness.

All people are expressive but have different canvases/mediums/audiences/reasons for sharing it. I like to move people. I like them to feel something. It's because, I feel something and I like to convey it somehow. I feel disloyal to myself and my opportunities if I don't try to convey the wonder of whatever I am impressed by.
Jed is a great writer and shows attention to detail in his work. A sign of skill.
His canvas is here in this forum and also the hinge.
All people are expressive but have different audiences and styles of sharing it.
Imagine if Billy Ray did an Arborella video.
We might like it but not for the same reasons.

One thing I have noticed that seems to bridge those extremely different personality traits and draw many different types of viewers who may typically be put off by one or the other is skill.

If a guy is proficient in his work then his style of delivery is the salt in it. And whatever that delivery is, it is valid, because it is coming from an individual. I find it easier right off the bat to watch a Reg style vid than one where someone is doing a lot of hooting and hollering. The Americans are largely descended from the English. Everyone singing in my church is mumbling. I mumble along with them. If I were to go to a Hispanic or black congregation I would no doubt be impressed by the enthusiasm. As well, I should be. There are great and authentic people in all three congregations though.

I am convinced that there is a #1 bestseller that could be written about every human who has ever lived or ever will live.
So, I didn't really know where I was going with this when I started but where I am ending up is, I think everyone should be willing to alter themselves to make progress but they should be progressing towards who they are and not necessarily who someone else is.
10,000 words to simply say, it takes all kinds.
O.k.......... o.k..... that was awsome. ...... Man...... Do you ever feel like there is never time to do the stuff in life that you really want to do?

Man, I've got to wrap up this stupid (massive) pruning job today...... there's gonna be 10,000 Davey guys running around with a scatterbrained red-neck for a boss. Sometimes I've got a plan and sometimes I don't. Do you ever get up there and think, "Nah, I don't even need the block."? That's me on every level of life.

O.k. I'm going to have your post rattling around in my head all day. This is not a response. Not that when my response IS forthcoming, it will be anything worth reading.... just sayin... this ain't it. I am gonna respond though.

I will ask this though: What if we were all God's GoPro cameras?
honestly, I feel dim-witted and go through life with no real plan but also not a lot of worry either. ..

I feel disloyal to myself and my opportunities if I don't try to convey the wonder of whatever I am impressed by....

I am convinced that there is a #1 bestseller that could be written about every human who has ever lived or ever will live. ...

10,000 words to simply say, it takes all kinds.

That was some good chit right there, AH
"Do you ever feel like there is never time to do the stuff in life that you really want to do?"

Yes I feel that often, and it's exacerbated by the fact that I often don't use the time I have well.

"I will ask this though: What if we were all God's GoPro cameras?"

Not sure what you mean by that, but if you mean that our lives should show enthusiastic and original love and contribution to fellow man based on a deep respect for the miracle of life in general... then, yes.
...The Americans are largely descended from the English...

I am convinced that there is a #1 bestseller that could be written about every human who has ever lived or ever will live.
So, I didn't really know where I was going with this when I started but where I am ending up is, I think everyone should be willing to alter themselves to make progress but they should be progressing towards who they are and not necessarily who someone else is.
10,000 words to simply say, it takes all kinds.

Hey, August, I had intended to write something up about artistry and expressionism and all that... but you know how hard it is to find the time to do anything at all in this world, so I figured I'd at least try to respond to these two points that you made, and I'll take the second one first.

We're probably in perfect agreement. When I said that I want to amend myself, I'm coming from the standpointe of someone who is naturally, in his bones a melancholic, pessimistic misanthrope. Now you see why I'd rather be like Billy Ray. My Christianity doesn't even allow for misanthropy. All I'm saying is that, very often the "progression toward who WE are," is very often the progression toward who someone else is. I.e. Jesus Christ. Other folks... the Billy Rays, the Stigs, the Butches and the Garys, can, for us, be symbolic approximations between who we know ourselves currently to be and the Godman. You know, "Be ye transformed into the image of Christ..." and all that sort of thing. I think we agree here.

Your first point about the English is, I think, more subtle, and has to do with expressionism within a given culture. There are many tree-guys who would think I'm an idiot for devoting any time/space on a forum like this to these thoughts at all, but this place is cool in that it has to allow for the occasional odd-ball. AHHHJHhhrgh!!! I'm looking up at the clock, and see that I have to go. :X AHHRGH! I was going to say something about Benn's reaction to Billy Ray. Ah, well... I'd already hinted at it before.

Ohhh... and the GoPro too, man. I'd wanted to say something about your "best-seller," remark... That's what I had meant about God's gopro's... like what if our lives were to be subject to the Ultimate Editor... you know... like the rotten stuff weeded out... and some other stuff.
but this place is cool in that it has to allow for the occasional odd-ball.

Jed, for Thor's sake, we are all oddballs here. Haven't you noticed?
Why else would we all get along so well.

As for the "The Americans are largely descended from the English." thing, I think that is wishful thinking.
In a lot of southwestern and western states more than a third are of Spanish heritage. Lots are of Scandinavian, Eastern European, Asian ,Hispanic and even Middle eastern/Arab and Jewish heritage everywhere else.
I think the Anglo-American thing is long gone, and hopefully someone can come up with the statistics to prove me right.

That is what I find so fascinating about Americans.
The cultural mix.

My first American girlfriend was Californian, but grew up on Hawai, and I, being young and stupid, never asked her what her heritage was.
Second one was of Hungarian heritage.
3rd one was Black irish.
Then they kicked me out of California, so I never got any further with that.

But just the way they cooked was interesting to me.
The first one talked about going out in the back yard and kicking the mango tree for breakfast ( That was in 1976 when NOBODY in Denmark even knew what a mango was. Wasn't til years later that I had a ripe one)

The second one would bake Hungarian poppy seed cake, that would make you test positive in any dope test and do a vegetarian Ghoulash that made my mouth water and melted my heart.

3rd one was married to a Mexican for a number of years and could cook mexican dishes to make me weep from joy.
She introduced me to fresh salsa ( Go down in the greenhouse and pick the jalapenoes you want for dinner) which I later introduced in Denmark.

It is the cultural diversity that makes America so wonderful in my eyes.

Wanna see a place where everybody looks, thinks and cooks the same.

Lots of places in Europe to visit.

Hope my point got through this mess of words:)
Haha, Thor thing tickled me a bit too.
The thing is Stig, people tend to gather with who they come from. Birds of a feather…
That's why they have places called Chinatown etc.
The churches I have grown up in have at least 90% white people with stoic expressions sticking out of their polyester suits. I heard a comedian say once, If they are really about the good news, they need to send some missionaries to their faces. But then again, that dry analytical approach to life seems to appeal to me somewhat. I think it's because of the English and German in me.
Like Jed, I think there might be a Billy Ray in me that's trying to get out though.
I'm stuck somewhere between the honesty of his enthusiastic outgoing nature and my own analytical nature.
"Unless you become like little children...."
You were up early today Jed ?

Does Christianity teach you to be modest ? Was just wondering. Thanks

Yeah, I had to go clear up to Shorline to load up some Fir-logs with our little tractor.

In answer to the second question.... It's supposed to teach you humility, which is, I think slightly different from modesty... but clearly, it hasn't worked on me yet. I fancy that most folk's modesty/humillity is largely just affectation. If any of us ever met a truley humble person I think that the reaction that it would produce in ourselves would be something akin to awe.

Stig: Thanks for the charity. You've got to understand that to most of us Red-folk, Europe just seems totally astounding.

August: Good remark about children.
In answer to the second question.... It's supposed to teach you humility, which is, I think slightly different from modesty... but clearly, it hasn't worked on me yet. I fancy that most folk's modesty/humillity is largely just affectation. If any of us ever met a truley humble person I think that the reaction that it would produce in ourselves would be something akin to awe.

Humility, modesty....they're almost the same. You see I haven't met you, and can only go off the image you potray on the Internet. You don't seemingly promote or credit yourself with anything, to the point where I dont think Ive seen a picture of what you even look like....just the occasional stumps with wedges sitting on top....sometimes a partial image of your boot. I don't even know your second name.... yet you've made thousands of posts. Rarely, if ever conflicting, defensive or argumentative. Always complementary and hopeful.

On the other hand, if I were to judge August from what he poyrays on the net, I would think he was the opposite to you....I would think he was incredibly Vain. At least, more so than any other individual that I've come across in the tree industry.

Yet, you're both Christians, who often make reference to that. So, does your humility take a discipline, or does it come naturally ? It's not a trick question or anything.