August Hunicke Videos

It's a real screamer if it runs anywhere near 16k mine loves 14,500rpm, but I have not turned the base or messed with the carb (no idea how too even if I wanted too.)
Be nice if you keep us informed on how it runs :)
Check out this dude, doesnt seem to be on the forums. He has personality and charisma and enthusiasm coming out of every pore. He's humble, and has a great sense of humour, and doesn't have his head up his ass. Also the music is played by himself. Respec'.

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Funny, I was just watching his 'big bad Arbutus' vid tonite, there are a few lol moments. He's a nutty treeman for sure. Didn't know he plays the music, nice.

Benn, you're watching Buckin Billy Ray vids on Fri nite?? You should be out on the town in NYC in your beeemer!!
Cory it's in the body shop, has been four weeks. An idiom from the port authority (huge port of nyc) made an illegal right turn and hit me. Should be ready Monday though thank jebus.
That big bad arbutus story is great one. He captures the whole thrill and feel of the journey of solving the one-piece shot with real consequences for failure.
Cool that he had the unhindered solitude to shoot video too.
Check out this dude, doesnt seem to be on the forums. He has personality and charisma and enthusiasm coming out of every pore. He's humble, and has a great sense of humour, and doesn't have his head up his ass. Also the music is played by himself. Respec'.

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I loved his rant on bore cutting, seems like quite a character.
buckin Billy Ray Smith....then go to part 2

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'Yer only as good as yer last job'. Love it. A local treeco owner used to tell his guys that all the time, in order to keep their heads from becoming to inflated.
You didn't.
It just amused me to see, what it takes to be "non-fake".
Yeah I thought "turfer" was some weird redneck term for a 4wd truck, until I saw the ratchet.
Yup, we sure need an antidote to all of us fakers who use SRT for getting into trees, wear climbing helmets and can spell actually Tirfor.

Oh..."Tirfor" ... I'll pretend I knew that spelling.
Actually, if I'm honest, I never even heard the term before Billy Ray said it.
We have one but I don't know what we call it.