8.9 magnitude earthquake in Japan!

any way to seal up windows and doors with plastic and duct tape to help with radiation? Start stocking up on fresh water...
if we could mount up a rescue effort for you Jay...you know we would. Hang in there
Yeah, thanks.

Dunno about duct tape, but I'm heading off to stock up on water, a case on the shelf seems like a good idea. This whole thing is getting real old.
Just woke up, haven't turned on the tv or radio. That was a good tip about the bath tub and toilet.

Guess I'll go see if there is anything to be happy about.....
Just woke up, haven't turned on the tv or radio. That was a good tip about the bath tub and toilet.

Guess I'll go see if there is anything to be happy about.....

If the poop hits the air conditioner, you might be well off to have scrubbed the tub as clean as you can. We fill the tub for toilet water for storms in case we lose electricity for the well pump, but have a great artesian well in town that we can drive to in order to fill drinking water bottles. Drinking water could be hard to come by if more earthquakes happen closer to home.
Man, they just can't get enough cooling water into those reactors. Basically, that is the crux of the problem.. The #4 one started on fire again, but apparently it went out on it's own, some brave dude could take a look, was mentioned. They think the fission rods that are in the storage pool there have had the water level go down and it is exposing them to the atmosphere, and the subsequent heat creates explosions, possibly from Hydrogen build up. Everyone has become an expert in nuclear fission over the last couple days.

My wife is scrubbing the tub now. We do have some rivers close by for drinking water, if no other source available.
We were without power for over a week with the last ice storm 3 (?) years ago. That wasn't hard to handle, but we were without water for only a couple days and that was NOT fun. Yes. Stock up on water.

Oh. A tip on using water for toilet flushing, it's easier to just keep the back reservoir full for the next use instead of pouring it in 'as needed'.
Those people staying at the reactors to keep them contained are hero's. The confusion, decision making and risks are tremendous. I'm humbled by their commitment to stay and not turn tail.
Truly heroes, they are giving their lives to try and save others. I don't think anyone can really say for certain if they'd do the same or turn tail and run. I heard that the levels they are being exposed to mean certain death, probably sooner than later.
They just showed some aerial photos of two reactors, probably satellite, and the roofs and upper walls have been blown to sh@t, with steam or smoke billowing out. One can only imagine what the working conditions must be like there. They are talking about helicopters dropping water on the #4 reactor, assessing the risks to the pilots and crews. It is getting quite hairy now, it appears that with the current knowledge of what the situation is, just about anything could happen. Have tried to be optimistic, but I'm starting to think, oh oh.....
It might be high time to at least contact the embassy and see about the possibility of a 'fast-track' passport for your wife, so you'd all be able to get out of there if it seems appropriate.
I heard that all the flights are booked, foreigners in particular getting out. I talked about it with my wife, we both laughed at the prospect of saying we were leaving to her family. Her sister in particular, has been very kind to us through the years. Just couldn't do it..... Maybe it is dumb, hard to explain, really. You get the feeling that whatever comes down, we are in it together. Life maybe doesn't seem all that significant now, or something. Maybe that is how you prepare to die?
Or maybe this is how you decide to live the life you have. I'd make the same decision Jay...I think. Having kids would complicate the whole decision tree something fierce, that I do know.