8.9 magnitude earthquake in Japan!

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  • #326
Cursed, I do the same, two thumb drives with critical documents backed up, some stuff (that Imight need on the road etc) on Google documents and both hard drives have the same documents and more, than the thumb drive backups. I learned the hard way that multiple layered backup resources are important.
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  • #327
for goodness sake:
"@Breaking News
CORRECTION: No tsunami warning after Vanuatu quake, per Pacific Tsunami Warning Center - @tsunamiwatch"
Very important Paul...
Does make one wonder Butch. Just remember that often times in the past, and end also meant a new beginning. Not necessarily a complete and utter end to all things. Often times just a change.
Is there any game to be had where you live Jay?

Deer and wild pig, a type of mountain goat, but the most easily accessible meat would be monkey. I"d pop a few of those unpleasant fellows off just for the fun of it. It could be a massacre at their hot spring hangout.
Perhaps there is some inside information, but they aren't talking about volunteers yet. In all that huge scale of devastation, I have only heard of two or three people who have been found alive in the rubble. Total wipeout. Nightmare identifying the deceased, not knowing if they came from the north, east, south, or west. I imagine they must break them down by sex and apparent age, then the people searching must look them over. Look over thousands...horrible. Some have washed up on beaches down the coast, having been dragged back out to sea. It's too much.

Oddly enough, the reactors did just fine with the quake, all safety measures worked as planned, everything shut down as desired, or the rods dropped into place to halt the fission. All fine and dandy, then the waves came in. Power for the cooling was knocked out, and the back up diesel generators and water storage tanks with pumps were displaced and damaged. When the outer structures blew, safety equipment and monitoring devices went with them. It seems fairly easy to have made arrangements to prevent all this, had they thought it was in the realm of possibilities.
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  • #339
Maybe just build them on high ground next time? It surprises me that they were located in an area that is tsunami prone, no need to tsunami proof them if they are up in the hills somewhere. Although the location might be better suited for normal operation when seaside.
I have a few already. :(

There was some mention that they were hesitant to use sea water to help cool, some reason for initial delay, because the corrosive effects of the salt water would necessitate large costs to replace equipment. The whole place is probably a wash now. The electric company isn't on the hook for damages, earthquakes provide an exclusion to their responsibility.
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  • #342
I heard the same Jay, the use of seawater pretty much 86'ed the reactors for the future. There was talk of an electrical line being run in this afternoon, any word on if it happened and/or helped?
I heard that they have a hook up, but not enough juice to help so much. There is some question about having sufficient pumping equipment.

I think the #3 reactor was scheduled to go out of commission next month, or #1. It's old.
Ok, I just watched a helo drop water from what looked like 1000 feet up that I had read earlier they deemed safe for the operation. I have watched fire fighting here water drops and slurry drops. As memory serves, they need to be at a lower altitude to successfully deliver a good water payload. That water they dumped in the vid misted out and hardly got any into the reactor roof. If this is the height they are going to drop from, they will need a DC 10 or 747 drop. And still would possibly need to be lower in altitude. They are seemingly going through the motions of doing something to look like they are trying.. I hope I am wrong, but this looks like ineffective action to me.
The electricians are probably hoping that these futile attempts will at least keep their mid year bonuses coming down the pike.
I mean some of the characters that have been paraded before us to explain what is happening, they seem to be working their way down the list. Nervous wrecks sometimes get excluded after one try. You just get an impression about these guys, people who are good at collecting information from text books in their brains and passing examinations requiring powers of recall, that's about it. Somewhere in their skulls is a flashing sign going no data...no data...no data, and they look like they think clutching their papers harder is going to somehow help. It's sick.

The prime minister buggers in and out looking pale and followed by five guys, gives little pep talks in-between, about five minutes between each word. The chief cabinet minister seems to be paying attention and not letting the seriousness of the situation break him, the only one without the why me look on his face, and worth his salt in this. I hope he can hang in there.
I don't think positioning a reactor atop a hill is a good idea at all. Damn. This may be the end of the world, as we know it.
Crivens. That radiation path prediction looks very ominous for the western states.

They used low level helicopter drops at chernobyl, to seal the top of the reactor chamber under river mud and sand. All the helicopter pilots died, they knew it was going to kill them from the outset.
Just like Stephen, I've watched numerous helicopter drops of water above the reactor building, and most of the water just blows away before it gets inside. Too high up when released.