8.9 magnitude earthquake in Japan!

It is what it is Jay, you have to make the choice, I'm glad I don't have to. We have to respect what you decide. Either way, I wish you the best and you are certainly in my thoughts and prayers!
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  • #302
Maybe expand the water reserves to whatever clean vessels you have, 5 gallon pails etc, keep them covered in the shop and do what you have to in order to minimize exposure. Stock up on non perishables, TP and firewood. Have you been issued with the Iodine tabs yet? I have seen that the govt has dispensed to folks within the 20km distance.
I could dig one of those nukalerts in my cell phone.....on second thought, it has already been going off like crazy with earthquake alerts, often in the middle of the night. Sometimes you feel a shaker, both aftershocks and new ones, and sometimes you wait and there is calm. We've had a number of other location quakes, somehow related, apparently. The first time it went off I thought there was a gas leak in the kitchen at 3AM, went running in there. Kind of jumpy.....

Been stocking up on water, both pails and jugs, plus the rivers in proximity. Some foodstuffs too in case of emergency. The markets are running slim due to gasoline shortages, most stations are closed. Trucks can't make deliveries. Some people are really hoarding at the market, though they have been asking on tv to not do so. It is really hindering the relief efforts, the lack of gas. A neighbor had their car running for twenty minutes in the morning before getting in to drive away, had to warm up the inside in their usual fashion. Some folks just can't get it, even when it is falling down around them.
They had sea walls and gates all over the coast. They'll have to build bigger ones.
I wonder what might have stopped the tsunami from penetrating inland, I saw one photo of a large ship sitting on top of a multi storied building, quite a ways inland.. In some locations the water level was like thirty-five feet, then it pushes up higher over obstacles. With that much flow you would need something impenetrable, some gaps and it is through. Anybody who has ever been in a flood knows that water can find a way in, plus the surge from the sea is something beyond just a higher than where you are water level. Basically, I think you would have to try and elevate the whole coastline, fisherman get their boats to the sea through locks or something. No doubt implausible.

Regarding the reactor situation, I don't know what all might be getting reported in your parts, but it is definitely looking rather dicey over here. One good thing is that they appear to have been able to bring in some line for electricity to help power pumps, but the contribution is limited, apparently. All in all, it seems like they are pretty much down to some latch ditch efforts that have uncertain effectiveness, even they are saying that. They have some police water cannon vehicles somehow shooting water into the reactor(s), and might be resurrecting the idea to drop water via helicopters. They had abandoned that idea when it was deemed too unsafe for the flight crews. Perhaps they have some volunteers? Shit, I'd do it, promise to take care of my wife and build me a statue. 8) Death dose radiation levels on the ground there are occurring, apparently. The wind is out to sea currently. This sucks real big time, not much movement outside. Hate to be a prognosticator of doom, but maybe :big-wave:
May the gods be merciful on you and yours, Jay, as well as all the people of your land. So painful to sit and watch from afar.
Grief does get compounded by shock. Have to give credit to the 'protectors', the police and fire departments, etc. Pretty intense work that they are doing, grisly too. They aren't getting much of a break.
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  • #312
I have been trying to keep current with the different news feeds and Twitter. Not taking anything for granted on this side of the pond either. I continue to hope that it levels off and becomes manageable before it is catastrophic. In the meantime, all must do what they can to protect themselves and preserve a livable situation with minimal or no assistance.
This tweet really raised my eyebrow.

0143: The Daily Yomiuri tweets: "According to govt estimates, of 1.76 million meals shipped to disaster-hit areas, 1.29 million had NOT reached shelters as of yesterday."

People are not getting meds, food , heat etc on a grand scale. There are going to be a lot of casualties from just catastrophe related circumstance and human error, greed and government control issues. :(

Keep prepping all you can Jay. My prayers are with you, your family and the people of Japan.
My problems are trite in comparison. For better or worse this whole event could not be appreciated without the media jumping on it to garner a resounding response from the world.

I have issues with the media at large, but at times like this... let them at it.
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  • #318
grandpa. :P

"Not keeping up with technology... how's that working out for you ~ David Chalk"
I a weird sorta way.. :/: I guess :lol:

Remember Paul. We have a network of 6-7 computers at any given time here. We can receive a lot of info in this house at any given time given Internet and electricity :D
And of course with the resource of the TH also :D
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  • #320
fair enough, although I can get my Twitter on at the PC, the laptop AND of course, my schmartphone. Why just today, while at a jobsite I fired up the laptop, used the 3G wireless hotspot provided by my phone and did some internetting to my business documents that are uploaded to Google Documents, no driving home to get them etc. I loves me some technology, in case that isnt widely known yet. :D
Thanks very much for the continued well wishes, both the ones posted at the forum and privately.

Gasoline is really a problem now, the oil companies have reserves as mandated by law, large ones, but it isn't getting to the pumps. Every stand that I go by in my area is closed. No gas, no food deliveries. I also heard that a number of truck drivers are bailing on hauling food into the stricken areas, for fear of radiation. Over and over, I also hear that the levels are still safe with exception to close proximity to the reactors. They are seeking drivers from the stricken areas, lots of logistics to work out and so many roads are not passable, or don't exist anymore.
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  • #322
Shite is still hitting the fan world wide, I heard tell of a quake in Chile today 5.1 and one in eastern Quebec, now one in Vanuatu...
'@Breaking News
Pacific Tsunami Warning Center issues warning after 6.5 quake in Vanuatu - http://bit.ly/fQeyPh"

Since I got my laptop.. I feel the same way... As long as I am in town or at a clients with wireless. Cell still ain't all that up here. Most businesses that use them up here outside of town use them for a cheaper business phone with voice mail. When and if they get signal, they check the voice mail.

I back up stuff on google docs and then on my HD in open office.
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  • #324
might be time to consider hunting and gathering the old fashioned way for a bit, might be the deal that gets you through. One of the reasons I would like to own a fishing rod and a rifle of sorts. The water I can figure out with my handheld filter pump, although I intend on upgrading that, the last time we went with 2 weeks of murky water from the tap I think I kinda maxed out the filter I have.

Is there any game to be had where you live Jay?