8.9 magnitude earthquake in Japan!

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  • #251
Jay, slightly off topic but those breathing masks so many people seem to be wearing, is that a day to day thing? For general pollution or is it still avian flu fears or...
No, I'm on a different grid. Conserving though, I noticed the closest Pachinko parlor was running at half light last night.
the one that they just pulled off screens in Asia? A Matt Damon flick?

The China syndrome, it was a bad joke Paul.

The forecast is Jay is downwind for the next three days with the front moving in, then the wind shifts and blows it to the mainland.
No blackouts here, I'm on a different grid. Conserving though, I saw the pachinko parlor was closed early last night, or else running at a half light.

With that amount of radiation that they have cooking there, I think we'd all be pretty fooked. Some just quicker fooked than others. I'm southeast I guess it would be, what, 6 or 7 hundred kilometers? General dispersement in the air likely more threatening than the crap carried on a direct wind to my location.
Planning? What planning? Isn't power like, I dunno... one of the FIRST FRIKKIN THINGS TO GO OUT IN A NATURAL DISASTER???

My thoughts are with you, Jay.
Interesting, MSNBC is claiming this as the second worst nuclear disaster already. But it's still ongoing?
I think it's best for Jay if I shut up for a while!
It's ok, Andy, bring it. Just like AstroBoy here!

The masks, Paul, people wear those to both hold in and keep out flu germs, but they have recommended them for radiation protection as well. I have not heard comment as to the degree of effectiveness. Probably not worth comment.


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  • #269
Just now via Twitter:

"@SkyNewsBreak RT by @BreakingNews
International Atomic Energy Agency says radioactivity released into atmosphere following explosion at Fukushima one nuclear plant"

For those that may be affected, a small note of information:


The Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response
Potassium Iodide FAQs

Does potassium iodide (KI) protect me from all potential problems that could result in the event of a nuclear accident?

NO. Potassium iodide (KI) is not a magic pill. It only provides protection for the thyroid gland against one type of radioactive material. It does not provide protection against whole body irradiation or other radioactive elements that would also be present in a nuclear power plant release. It is imperative that you protect your entire body from damaging radiation. KI will only protect the thyroid from radioactive iodine.
Yep, they are detecting raised levels all over the place. They aren't sure from where it is escaping. The best would be that putting out the fire stopped it, but it could be from other locations, a breech of the containment vessel in another reactor a distinct possibility. Winds are still favorable, but some guys on a US navy ship caught some radiation out in the Pacific. I bet they are getting out of there.
frig I betcha the airport is clogged today, talking heads are discussing if we should tell americans to get out, but that might panic the Japenese frig man
best to you Jay, my heart is sick