8.9 magnitude earthquake in Japan!

Not really Erik! It's deep shit either way, they are starting to evacuate people out of reactor 3, just a handful of people remain to contain it now.
I don't know Steve, they say it's built different than Chernobyl and wont do the same, but a big boom, and it can all change. No water, it melts to the core of the Earth. They are trying to like it to Three Mile Island. I sure don't know enough about any of it to even guess. I just know it's bad when they ask for help. I know it's bad when the NRC is flying a crew in. It's just bad!
Wow. Does anyone know what happens now? Or are we in uncharted territory.

Prolly the same thing that happened at Three Mile Island back in 1979 or what happened in Chernobyl about 15 years ago. What's a little nuclear fallout every 20 years amongst friends?
One image I saw that I will share, though it isn't a nice one. When the waves came in, in one location someone climbed up on an embankment and made a video. Part of a house came plowing by on the water, it looked like all that was left was one room, the windows were gone but the curtains were still there. As the structure flew past going up and down and sideways at the same time, you could hear a woman's screams coming from the room. Man, this is a bad deal, that is all I can say. :(:(
They say it wont melt to the earths core, if it melts into the ground supposedly they can seal it off with "minimal" trouble.
just seems to get worse and worse, Nat Geo had a special (2011) last night that the Portland Seattle area is ready for a big shift.

Man I could see how a man would want to panic and flee with his family damm damm what a as he said closterfock

Jay stay strong for your family, I like who said . . . look for the every man doing good.

O M what an excellent Idea - backpacks with a water filterer, toothbrush, fill the rest with granola bars. f how would you do that?
On those B4 and after pics did you notice in the last 2 how the trees survived the tsunami the buildings were gone- trees really are our friends
On those B4 and after pics did you notice in the last 2 how the trees survived the tsunami the buildings were gone- trees really are our friends

Too bad it was salt water that was saturating the soil.. Unfortunately they will still lose a lot of tress that may still be standing.
I am glad you like the idea Dave. My wife shut me down and said "better to help through existing agencies than to recreate the wheel." Giving money is probably best but it doesn't feel very gratifying for some reason. I wish I could do something.

When I see the mess that was left in the wake of the tsunami, it makes me wonder where to start. I also wonder if all that agricultural land is too brackish to grow food on now. Having lived in Japan for a bit, they have food planted just about everywhere food can be planted. There seems to be no arable land going to waste. I wonder what the effect of having that land offline will be and if it can be rehabbed. I know there are some plants that actually draw salt out of the soil.
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  • #238
via Twitter:
"@Breaking News
Radiation measured at 400 times annual legal limit near No. 3 Fukushima reactor - Kyodo"
I need a radiation badge that switches from a smilie face to a frown with exposure.
Man, wuss, whatever! I think it's time for Jay to cut bait and bail! All four nuke plants are now compromised!
Hey Darin do you know any plants that pull radiation out of the ground! This is not funny in any shape or form. I know it's more complex than just dumping water on the hit cores. But to have 4 power plants out of control all at once is pretty crazy.
Latest bad news, a fire has started in reactor #4, which was out of service at the time of the quake and considered safe. The spent fuel combined with the heat is provoking radiation escape.

Hell of a time with the cooling operation, the pressures inside the containment vessels are too high to allow the water to penetrate very well, and much of it just turns to steam. I think they were trying to use fire trucks to pump for awhile :roll: Something better now, but it still isn't working out the way they want. The dudes on tv are looking pale, advising to stay calm.

It doesn't appear that the people who advised that nuclear energy is a safe source of electricity, ever envisioned this scenario. Maybe they should have read Steven King.
I'm no geologist, but even I know that a tsunami after an earthquake is not just possible, but probable.
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  • #245
I just read on Twitter that the Japanese authorities have claimed the fire in #4 is extinguished.
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  • #247
the one that they just pulled off screens in Asia? A Matt Damon flick?
Where they appear to have most blown it is counting on an outside source of electricity to be able to power the back-up pumps. The outside source became dysfunctional, and the pumps also damaged by the waves. More their scenarios to deal with failures were based on an in-house problem not affecting the other power grid. I bet some people are sharpening their pencils when looking at this. In any event, something big was lacking there.
I'm no geologist, but even I know that a tsunami after an earthquake is not just possible, but probable.

I agree it was certainly bad planning. Plus they claim they lost control because no generators = no power to run pumps for cooling. I can't believe there were no large trailer mounted generators in all of Japan that could not have been airlifted in.
Stay indoors within a certain radius, don't hang your clothes outside. The latest tip for survival. It is getting silly.

Generator or pump, I think it was, was airlifted in from a US base.