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  1. SouthSoundTree-

    How'd it go today? That's like one cedar fence board, cut into pieces, and sanded.
  2. SouthSoundTree-

    How'd it go today?

    The local Waldorf has a winter craft fair, which my friend works, along with another school fair. Three saturdays before Christmas, at three fairs, for her, for this year. She working on stuff in her free time, building up an inventory over the year.
  3. SouthSoundTree-

    How'd it go today?

    Nice. Slow times might be good to learn to carve a bear on a stump. A guy that worked for me said his dad would whip out a $100 bear in 20 minutes. Way better than stump grinding, IMO.
  4. SouthSoundTree-

    How'd it go today?

    Good thing to make out of snow! If you get lost, you can at least climb up and look, unlike a corn maze.
  5. SouthSoundTree-

    How'd it go today?

    The phone will ring. Making stuff out of tree parts is a good idea if you have the creative streak and a way to market it, I'd think. I keep wanting to find some free time to do that. Someone else providing some predictable income is not a bad idea. Diversify one way or another.
  6. SouthSoundTree-

    How'd it go today?

    Going to be a preschool day, possibly followed by a play date. The start of the weekend!! Our school was in a low spot on various fronts. Our enrollment was way, way low, in part due to fundraising requirement and interpersonal conflicts. The root disease in the forest took a lot of mental...
  7. SouthSoundTree-

    How'd it go today?

    I have Dahlia for the next three days (Sun pm- Wed pm every week, until kindergarten starts). I haven't worked out child care in the form of a new nanny/ sitter. I will need to pursue that. I decided to clear out my VM box. Having it full meant that people were interested enough in having me...
  8. SouthSoundTree-

    How'd it go today?

    Banged out 30 bradford pear canopy raises this afternoon, in between squalls. Have to go back and do some fine tuning for driveway clearance, and loosen some overly tight staking straps on 30 more pears on the other side of the driveway. A good wind storm came through today. Not as bad as some...
  9. SouthSoundTree-

    How'd it go today?

    They think they might have a fish nibbling.
  10. SouthSoundTree-

    How'd it go today?

    Fruit tree pruning season. Its funny how so many trees are pruned that I never see flowering, leafing-out, or fruiting. That's the big intent with fruit trees, trying to establish the right structure and such for all that, but it all happens at a different point in the year than I visit...
  11. SouthSoundTree-

    How'd it go today?

    POS like that are, well, POS. I'd be so tempted to leave him a note and picture of the family so he knew who he was stealing from. F'A.Hole.
  12. SouthSoundTree-

    How'd it go today?

    Good figuring!
  13. SouthSoundTree-

    How'd it go today?

    Skidsteer works sometimes. Shears the hinge occasionally. When you have a hard beat-over, sing John Henry in a Johnny Cash voice. :lol: <iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  14. SouthSoundTree-

    How'd it go today?

    Good, Chris. Remember you can cut half of the back-cut (1/4 cut, some call it) and wedge one side tight, then cut the other half of the backcut, wedge it, too. Bang 'em! Wedging could have its own thread. Its so useful, and under-used in residential work, IMO. Especially when you can drop...
  15. SouthSoundTree-

    How'd it go today?

    Congratulations, Denver! That had to have been a heck of a first month on the whole family. A couple of the guys, here, have kids that were born early.
  16. SouthSoundTree-

    How'd it go today?

    I thought up something yesterday to say when they say that..."A lot of people think they should/ could do it themselves, but you're smart enough and have better judgment than to actually start trying it".
  17. SouthSoundTree-

    How'd it go today?

    I'm remembering the value of a designated maintenance book in the rigs, separate from routine inspection sheet. My plugs were BAD in my pick-up. A reminder to start with the basics when troubles start to arise. The wires were newer. Thought the plugs went in at the same time. Maybe they...
  18. SouthSoundTree-

    How'd it go today?

  19. SouthSoundTree-

    How'd it go today?

  20. SouthSoundTree-

    How'd it go today?

    I've been burned by the "how would you go about this?". My best answer now is professionally, safely, and predictably, within mutually agreed upon impact allowances.