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  1. SouthSoundTree-

    How'd it go today?

    Happy Days!
  2. SouthSoundTree-

    How'd it go today?

    Take it as a cheap lesson in the value of good wording on a signed contract, as well as an open-ended compensation for your efforts. Next time, consider, first leave the coons alone unless you're really well-equipped, and charge to be well-equipped. Its not worth all the problems if you get...
  3. SouthSoundTree-

    How'd it go today?

    100 for a cat is okay, if the cat wants to come out of the tree. 100 for a wild animal that has no intention of cooperating, and has not has vaccinations like a lot of cats, way too little, IMO.
  4. SouthSoundTree-

    How'd it go today?

    There is a method to tension the belts, though. On my grinder, the "jack shaft" (IIRC) slides to tighten the lower belt, and the engine slides to tension the upper belts.
  5. SouthSoundTree-

    How'd it go today?

    Very solid work there, John. Congratulations.
  6. SouthSoundTree-

    How'd it go today?

    Why is that, Ed? Biomass power generation?
  7. SouthSoundTree-

    How'd it go today?

    088s don't come around everyday, or get used much, but when you need one...
  8. SouthSoundTree-

    How'd it go today?

    Trying to resolve a view prune gone wrong. I took too much for the neighbor's liking (the tree owner that doesn't want to talk to anyone, and occasionally will email). Its a spruce 'hedge' that was topped multiple times, that i've been trying to train back into a hedge annually for a few years...
  9. SouthSoundTree-

    How'd it go today?

    No worries, Mick. I wasn't concerned. I am very thick-skinned, in general, too.
  10. SouthSoundTree-

    How'd it go today?

    Part of my shoulder impingement issue was resolved in part with stretching my pectorals, and standing with better posture, pulling my shoulder back, as well as other postural benefits, FWIW.
  11. SouthSoundTree-

    How'd it go today?

    Well, take care. Hope it resolves. We all would benefit from massage work. It hurts some at the time, but relieves/ helps a lot of chronic issues.
  12. SouthSoundTree-

    How'd it go today?

    Mick, do you get massage work. Built up muscle tension might be fighting that re-alignment . We all have residual tension. Massage helps to reset the tension level. I've been meaning to get in to mine.
  13. SouthSoundTree-

    How'd it go today?

    I run short on mulch for home use. I bid another job yesterday where they needed the mulch and its easier for me to leave. One pick-up and chipper job for two guys. Rarely do I haul mulch anymore. I did the other day, dumping it 200 yards down the road at another house. Pruned long neglected...
  14. SouthSoundTree-

    How'd it go today?,+WA+98840/@48.3915079,-121.2554086,7.75z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x549cebc29cc11bff:0xec9688e31612f80d Okanagan is a town in Washington. The geographic area extends into US and Canadia.
  15. SouthSoundTree-

    How'd it go today?

    Squish, a question...we call it the PNW, Pacific Northwest. What do Canadians call it?
  16. SouthSoundTree-

    How'd it go today?

    Good it turned out right, Mick. Good to maintain your cool. Some annual fruit tree pruning this morning. Stuck the brush to the side. Going to prune a couple other jobs and stack the brush, then make a chip run. Its a pita to take a big rig into town to chip one cubic yard here and there...
  17. SouthSoundTree-

    How'd it go today?

    I don't really try to schedule days for tree work. Way too many variables. I tell them about how far out when they call for a bid, about how far out I'm expecting to be at the time of the bid, about how far out when they want to schedule (usually all the same answer, a few weeks). I tell them...
  18. SouthSoundTree-

    How'd it go today?

    I feel your pain, Joel. I'm going to try an employment agency later this week. 4 hour guarantee, with no fee, if I send them back. They will have me in to interview some candidates. Only use them when I want, for as long as I want. See how it goes. Let them do the legwork for me on...
  19. SouthSoundTree-

    How'd it go today?

    August, hire in a climber for the day?? Get a rest day, take care of yourself and the family?? If you get sicker, and they get sicker, then what?
  20. SouthSoundTree-

    How'd it go today?

    Wishing your family a healthy pregnancy and delivery!