Woods walker
Swinging around on a rope, using leg power to ascend said rope? With a pair of 2 and a half inch gaffs on your ankles? It wouldn't be hard, Kevin.
Swinging around on a rope, using leg power to ascend said rope? With a pair of 2 and a half inch gaffs on your ankles? It wouldn't be hard, Kevin.
The rope is locked into the spur-ascender. It's impossible for you stab yourself with that side spur unless your not 'paying attention' and catch it with the opposite leg as you 'pump' your opposite leg upward to ascend.
I don't often chime in on matters of climbing because I don't have much to offer.
Yea, right
Did you take one too many self deprecation pill this morning?
Ok...I'm obviously out of the mainstream of posters to this thread. But eff me, I'd NEVER rope climb with gaffs on. NEVER, EVER. Hang 'em on my harness and put them on once aloft, or have them sent up after I make the ascent, sure...but y'all are begging for grief, imo. Ropes, ankles, calf muscles, etc. ...all at high risk.
I'm an old climber that has had the good fortune to keep injuries to a minimum, and I intend to keep it that way. You boys give it enough time, and I promise you that you'll see my point...with blood to emphasize