Woods walker
We had reels for ours, but they were a hassle to carry, so they never left the crummy. If we had to hike into a unit (not uncommon) we'd coil the steel tape on the ground in a circle about 4 feet in diameter, then pick it up with two hands-one each on opposite sides of the coil-and twist it into a figure 8 shape and force it into a smaller coil. That would fit in the back pocket of a cruisers vest.
If you let it go before you got it fully snapped into the pouch, it would spring apart and attack you. Bad names again...
We'd only use the reels to store them in the warehouse after they were clean and dry...reel one up wet, throw it in the crummy, and you'd have a rusty mess the next time out. More bad names...
We did graduate to 200' fiberglass tapes in later years. Lighter, not so inclined to get twisted around something and bend. Easier to pull flat without sag, so could give more accurate measurements if you knew what you were doing.
If you let it go before you got it fully snapped into the pouch, it would spring apart and attack you. Bad names again...

We'd only use the reels to store them in the warehouse after they were clean and dry...reel one up wet, throw it in the crummy, and you'd have a rusty mess the next time out. More bad names...

We did graduate to 200' fiberglass tapes in later years. Lighter, not so inclined to get twisted around something and bend. Easier to pull flat without sag, so could give more accurate measurements if you knew what you were doing.