Helicopter tree removal

hella job!

Kinda crazy the power of the helo.
That was interesting. I like her Stihl hat :^)

Is a "chain" a common unit of measurement in timber falling? I don't think I've ever seen it in the wild. Even old deeds around here use "poles" and "roods" for the weirdo measurements.
It's an old surveying tool, It was an actual chain made of 100 links @ 7.92" each. Modern measuring tapes are still called chains by surveyors, though I reserve that term for the nicer certified tapes, and not the garbage you get at homedepot or whatever. Pulling distances is called chaining. You have a head chainman, and a tail chainman(the dumb end). The real nice chains(tapes) required a thinker on both ends. The tail chainman set the decimals of a foot, and the head chainman measured the whole foot.

Probably more information than anyone wants, but to do proper chaining, you have to make temperature and sag corrections. Both ends have to be level of course, but the tail chainman would also have a tension handle on the end. You look at your corrections(from a book, or the small wood ruler sold with new chains), and adjust the pull to get a correct measurement. The idea is to stretch the chain so remove the effect of the sag in the line.That's what I meant by "certified". It's an engineered material that conforms to specifications so accuracy can be maintained. You'd send your chain out every year or so to be checked and calibrated.

This is all slightly before my time. When I started, easily portable distance meters had become fairly common, though the standard we used was anything under 200' got chained unless it was a huge hassle(lots of brush, steep grade changes...). Everyone just guessed how much to pull. It didn't matter much for house stakeout, road, or other common things. If you're a couple hundredths off, it won't affect much.
I cannot tell y'all how many hundreds of unit boundaries I traversed (slang term "traved" rather than "chained", but a few oldtimers used that term interchangeably) with those old steel measuring tapes. 200 feet long. In the brushy conditions here in NW Oregon, if you got a full 200 foot measurement any time on a trav, it was cause for celebration :). Also cause for celebration when you got sufficiently accurate closure to consider the acreage calculation to be good.
Lufkin ChromeClad? Those were the semi good ones. We usually had the YellowClad cheapies(relatively). The real nice ones were the Nubians with welded(?) graduations. I have one around here somewhere, but never used them for work.
Yep, Lufkin. There were welded (or something like that) graduations on the front end for the first foot or two?, as I recall. I don't know the model. Mostly, we called 'em very bad names :D.
I'm aware of the concept of a drag tape(no reel), but never used one aside from a 300' fiberglass one I bought. That was a hassle cause it would knot up, and was a PITA to use. It wasn't as useful as I imagined it would be. I got it for doing boundary recon.