World's Best (Most Expensive!) Tree Climbing Spurs

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  • #27
Well anyway ole timers ;) Dale Thomas told me that retro fit gecko KK's maybe available at the end of the month, and is gonna let me know.... Ill keep yall in the loop.

Well that's great news!

.... I've never gaffed myself, sounds like all it takes is once... ouch!
I was kicking off deadwood, way back in the mid '70's.... and forcibly gaffed myself, at least 1/2 inch deep if not an inch, and right next to my achilles tendon. Didn't bleed that much or hurt, if I recall, but surely needed stitching up. Lucky was I to have escaped tendon damage!!
Have had a few gaff nicks in my Wescos over the years, but never gaffed myself.
I also wasted the leg of a pair of pants - caught and ripped the loose material, but missed my ankle, luckily.
Got myself real good 4 years ago. Took my brother and another groundie to pull my feet apart. If I recall, 16 stitches and two months in crutches from the Achilles damage and the gaff hitting bone. Fuq that!
That's the kinda shite I'm talking about...another one seen personally was a 4 inch rip down the inside of the calf muscle, at least an inch and a half deep for most of that distance. You cannot imagine the amount of blood, and he passed out, which complicated things quite a bit. Some 40 stiches to patch it up, if I recall correctly...and 3 weeks lost time followed by another 3 of "light duty" which was a generous thing for the agency to pay, as the fellow was a field man with few office work qualifications. Sure helped him get back on his feet without having to burn way deep into his sick leave balance.
I have been very lucky so far by not gaffing myself.
As far as safety goes for the KK's or a pantin with spikes you could use gaff guards while ascending.
More trouble rope climbing with the awkward, bulky and usually heavy things getting in your way than just putting them on once aloft, is my take on it...leaving the safety issue aside, which I will never do :).
Dreams really do come true...

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kiwiklimbers :rockon:

You can actually make them yourself by sticking your Petzl Pantin onto the shank with some epoxy. Cheaper, just as good, done!
Been thinking of attaching an ascender to spurs. Just never get around to it. I like to weight my line with my spurs. Srt up, then pull them up into to the tree with me.
I was wondering about that part of the plan. I've had to 'fix' a spur before in the tree, but I don't think I've ever put a set on once up in the tree.
I hate a lot of things but putting on spurs in the tree is not one of them. I
I dislike putting spurs on in the tree FAR less than I dislike gaffing my gear and/or self :).

It really ain't that hard to mount spurs aloft, done it many a time. Practice probably helps, I guess.
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  • #45
I think those who have gaffed themselves know that if they were paying better attention it would have been avoided.
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Sure, if "paying better attention" means putting them on at the base of the tree, or wherever in the tree you intend to use them, and taking them off directly afterwards, as in right at the base of the tree.

Bix, I like you fine from what I have seen, but you are still too green to overrule this old dog. I have a few decades of old school spur climbing on you, so pay attention to me, ya hear :D!
Was a lot of fun both times too, I bet.

Right, Stephen...good advice, thanks :). I'll just chill from here on out per this thread.