Wood stove heat

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That's strange Paul. I'm a member of 'hearth.com' which is a forum for woodburners. Never heard a bad thing about PAcific Energy that comes to mind. Extremely well thought of stoves would be the overwhelming impression for certain. I have had zero issues with mine, also in cleaning stoves for a living now I can personally attest to the quality of them. Just very nicely built, sturdy and simple. The only issue I've ever heard of is some baffle boards warping slightly,mine hasn't and those I remember hearing about were purely cosmetic issue, and besides that PE had a zero questions asked on sending out replacements. That I heard online, and then was confirmed in my courses.

In my chimney sweep courses I took last spring a sales rep was present and he was getting razzed about how PE has such a lenient warranty department, basically anything and everything was covered no questions asked. The instructor of the course who has over 40 years experience in the industry and was heavily into R and D with Regency for many years made a big deal as well out of PE covering anything anyone complained about whether it be from user error or not. (Warping a baffle is usually a sign that a stove was over fired).

Check out that 'hearth.com' if you're wondering. Lots of membership and very few issues reported with PE.

Any specific models/issues the dealers mentioned? Are they actual Pacific Energy dealers? One thing I've gathered from researching stoves/dealers is often dealers will skew things towards stoves they make their best margin on. To them that will be 'the best stove' regardless of actual performance.

I wouldn't hesitate to recommend them. My summit has been flawless, my uncle(who used to work for me)'s long term girlfriend has had a super27 for a handful of years and he and her both rave about it. Lifelong burners.

Again from everything I've heard/seen they are a top tier non-cat stove.
If you look on there you'll probably find me somewhere as squisher too. I always use the same handle anywhere I participate. I don't quite haunt anywhere quite like here though. Lol. Treehouse Rules!
Drafty old place here , needs new Doors , Windows , Insulation , oh yeah and a Roof (Hell it's just about paid off though) ... Refuse to buy Oil and run furnace opting for a stove on each floor. Upgraded from an old leaky Tempwood and an Atlanta Huntsman to a Vermont Castings Intrepid 2 and an Avalon 18" both stoves are used in good shape and bought them for $125 and $150. Should help me get more heat out of the Seven Cord as they are efficient design.
I used to throw wood on my old inefficient burner near constantly it seems. So nice to stretch your woodpile out a little more, wake up in the morning and still have plenty of coals to just throw a load of splits on. For me that's been the best part. Overnight burning with my old Lakewood was equal parts art, science, and luck. Now I barely have to try. Only loading 3-4 times a day to achieve 24/7 burning reliably has been great. Catalytic and hybrid stoves will easily go greater distance, but I just couldn't buy into having an expensive 'cat' that would need to be replaced at some point.

Altissimus those sound like some solid deals. I looked for quite awhile here to snag a 'deal' but in the end bit the bullet on new to get what I wanted. Still seems cheap for the enjoyment I get out of it. I'm fanatical about wood burning. I monitor stove top and flue pipe with magnet thermometers and also my flue pipe temp with a thermocouple that sends the temp to a remote monitor so I can view my basement stove temp from upstairs. I've got my temps dialled right in for super efficient burning. Like any efficient stove when I'm 'in the zone' there is zero smoke out the chimney and with those thermometers I can run super efficient, no questioning what's happening.

Sure I could run my stove fficiently without the thermometers, but in this day and age why would you I think? For me they help me maximize efficiency, it's like a competition I'm caught up in but I'm the only competitor. Lol.
Oh sure. Thats all fine and good for those who never leave their houses!

What about us working stiffs who aren't around to stoke a fire?

In all fairness, I could feed a small African nation with the money I spend on propane.

I might have to start mining coal again.
I can easily get 8-12hr burns if I load right up, that's way to long of a day for me. Longer if I was burning hardwoods. I got some oak to try out this year if it's ready. Last year I was getting over 12hrs with Norway maple. The ash from hardwoods sucks though.

Catalytic stoves like a blaze King, King can easily idle past the 24hr mark on lower output settings.
Slow is fine if you've prepped your load up right. It's a cycle. When it burns down you crank it wide open and fill your box. You let it burn up as high as you dare and char all the wood up good, incrementally cutting back the air. Once wood is thoroughly charred it has off gassed most of the creosote producing substances, at this point with a reburner type of stove the baffle should be reburning exhaust smoke efficiently enough that you are safe. Once it burns right down again you repeat. No smoke out the chimney means no creosote forming in the chimney. That's a quick rundown for a baffle/reburner stoves typical cycle. Checking for smoke out the stack and for active secondary burning from the baffle is the best way to stay on top of it without a thermometer. A catalytic stove is a whole other animal.
I only ask as you are now an expert chimney sweep.

I am pretty damn good at it. Haven't had a disappointed customer yet. It's been a really good fit for me. I get on with people well and I know it takes good tools/equipment to do a job well and efficiently. I keep my rig spotless and all my gear spotless as well as myself, along with proper signage and a 'company' shirt and all that. It doesn't take a whole lot more effort to do things to a high standard, rather than just doing them.


The other plus is its a lot easier than treework. Cushy work imo.
Ha! They're a limited edition right now. I have three. Lol. Nothing fancy not to worry. I'll keep you in mind Jim if I do an actual run of proper shirts one day. I honestly just stole a image off the interwebs put my name to it and ordered three up when I got some cards and magnetic signs and stuff through vistaprint. It was like $200 Canadian to be fully marketed up starting out. I can't imagine why anyone in a service industry doesn't have proper shirts and signage. You now what I mean? For two bills when I pull in and walk up to the door I can stuff a card in their hand and they're not wondering who the hell I am.
It's working out good for its first year. I really like the idea of having repeat yearly clientele. Once I get that built up I'll be sitting quite pretty I think. As usual it seems I have a horseshoe stuck up my arse or something. I have two main competitors and one it's unclear if they are still in business or not? I don't really know, but regardless there seems to be demand.

No free quotes is big for me. People just call and I schedule them in. I really like that part of it. I've got all my plow contracts still, confirmed for this winter. My hope is to take spring/summers off!8)
I've got about 14 cords of Green Ash that needs to be split and stacked. I've been putting it off, due to the low price of propane. It's now cheaper to heat the house with propane than it has been in years. I'll save the firewood for when the price of propane skyrockets again.......and it will.

It's nice to have all of that precious firewood in the bank. I'm starting to get the firewood itch again. I just love the look of a full wood rack. There's just something pleasing about that.

Happy winter to you folks. I'll being having another LONG one.

I give a lot of firewood away, have a soft spot for people in such need. Sometimes after when I'm getting my own stash together, I think, "Why'd I do that?"
It's working out good for its first year. I really like the idea of having repeat yearly clientele. Once I get that built up I'll be sitting quite pretty I think. As usual it seems I have a horseshoe stuck up my arse or something. I have two main competitors and one it's unclear if they are still in business or not? I don't really know, but regardless there seems to be demand.

No free quotes is big for me. People just call and I schedule them in. I really like that part of it. I've got all my plow contracts still, confirmed for this winter. My hope is to take spring/summers off!8)

Im happy for you squish!!

Being able to take spring/summer off would be great, imagine how much fishing you could get in...lol....thats my goal at least ;)

Congrats on your new endeavor!!
No glory of tree work though. That's why I have to team rope now. Get my little fix of 'look at me go!' Lol.
You're a heeler I bet. I loved roping, peaceful yet exciting

Nahhhh I'm a header for now. Heeling still seems a bit like the dark arts to me. I've struggled to learn to throw a good loop with my right hand, as I'm left handed. But I'm pretty solid now, I think. My 1/2 Arab won't run live steers but we do really well on the drag dummy.
Not heading for team roping. Some guys will heel left handed but it's not that common.

The heading box is on the left side of the steer chute(looking down the arena). So your right hand is on the steer side. I just sucked it up and learned to swing a loop right handed. The left hand controls the reins so I look at that as an advantage for me. Lots of headers have issues with their left hand doing goofy stuff and sending mixed signals to their horse.

Honestly it's one of those things sort of like cutting a tree down. From the outside looking in it seems 'simple'. But the true intricacies of it are far reaching. Lots of practice and dedication needed to do it well.
To be clear. I'm very much a beginner still. And with my good yeller rope horse still on the mend I probably won't get to practice on live steers until the spring. I've got my 1/2 Arab going good enough I'm going to take him out to some live roping practices again, but last time I did he was a hot mess and honestly I was lucky to have not hit the dirt.

This should be a warning to all. Don't get a roper talking about team roping! Lol.