What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

  • Thread starter Rborist1
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Glad your getting some moisture Stephen, probably too little too late, but I guess anything helps.

I watched my dad stand in the doorway and get teared up twice, once was from a total crop failure from drought and grasshoppers, and then when the drought broke.
FireFighterZero; I watched my dad stand in the doorway and get teared up twice said:
I remember seeing nearly the same thing Jim. We had a freak late freeze when I was a boy and lost everything. I'll never forget the look on Daddy's face the next morning as we looked over fields. He was a tough guy, a farmer and an iron worker, but his face was as wilted as the ruined crops that day.
Jim, it wasn't too many years ago that we were having a really bad summer. Not a lot of feed, no money, but had a nice crop of hay coming in. Just about the time we were going to cut the hay those f*****g hoppers came and ate it. Things didn't get any better that year.
Low 30'sC today, no wind.

Down a bit on the last few days, but we had a big storm last night and more rain than we've had all year I reckon. Sauna weather today.

I prefer that to mid 30'sF though, at least I know it's going to cool down.
Haha. I think the cold snap is over. I can heard the soon dropping off the trees into the skylight and roof vents. Ohhh, wait... That's not sun drops.
We've been in a deep freeze here for awhile. Not bad but chilly. -8 or so for a high and down to about -15 overnight. Celsius.
Jim, it wasn't too many years ago that we were having a really bad summer. Not a lot of feed, no money, but had a nice crop of hay coming in. Just about the time we were going to cut the hay those f*****g hoppers came and ate it. Things didn't get any better that year.

There were a couple of insecticides available in the early days. Dealdrin and Feradan. Probably not spelled correctly. You could apply it with a plane or ground rig. The hoppers were so bad one summer that us kids could not go outside. The only thing left to eat was wood, and the hoppers would even eat cedar posts. There were no planes available so dad put it on with a spra-coupe. He would throw up for hours afterwards, that was with an activated carbon filter system and respirator. Hoppers suck. We have not had them bad for a long time.
=FireFighterZero;692139]There were a couple of insecticides available in the early days. Dealdrin and Feradan. Probably not spelled correctly. You could apply it with a plane or ground rig.
The hoppers were so bad one summer that us kids could not go outside. The only thing left to eat was wood, and the hoppers would even eat cedar posts. There were no planes available so dad put it on with a spra-coupe. He would throw up for hours afterwards, that was with an activated carbon filter system and respirator. Hoppers suck. We have not had them bad for a long time.[/QUOTE]

Furadan was made in Middleport NY, about 25 miles from me. I heard that everyone that worked on the line that made that crap was messed up. Sounds like the crap should not have been made.
Not fully daylight yet. Sickle moon sliding sideways in the sky. It warmed up this morning. +22°f this morning. Makes for Slick highways. And I need to figure out what to wear to the woods today.




Current temp is -18 F. Low for tonight could be around -25.

Getting a freezing mix here; slushy roads...heard more sirens this morning than on New Years Eve.