What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

  • Thread starter Rborist1
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It rained in the night, and was damp all day. Not five seconds ago we got a huge lightning strike. I think it's going to be a pretty good storm.
Well got back from the funerals last week. Came home Thursday, the storm moved in Friday All ice the power went out Friday evening, and it's still out. Power lines and poles down all over the place. Phone ringing off the wall everybody in a panic. O-well I'm tired as hell, it will be better when the power comes back on. Then someday clean the limbs up in my yard.
I am already tired of wading around in the mud, just what I need more moisture. I need it to dry up so I can burn pastures and the prairie hay field.
70s here.. All this week too... Worst is mid 60s day time this week coming. nights have been in the 40s, and will be in upper 30s later this week. Sunshine everyday till next week. I guess we might get some rain. We damn well need it. Running out of burn season real quick. Things are just getting dried out by lack of rain and an abundance of wind.
But what about the bunny wabbits?:) That's what I figured but I thought I would ask. Our grasses in the coast range hills don't need to be burned but when we ran cattle in the san joaquin river flood plain there was some grass there that would get real tough and the cattle wouldn't eat it unless you either burned it or mowed it.
Basicly it is to burn off the dried up weeds and brush that the cattle don't eat to keep it from taking over the feild Steve.
As Dave said, these are HUGE tracts of land and bush hogging isn't an option! Burn it off and the grass comes back fat dumb and happy. Repeat about every two years.
It is indeed something spectacular to watch!
Weather at our house

High in the 70's cool at night. Great day to go to the beach.:D
Weather at our house

High in the 70's cool at night. Great day to go to the beach.:D
Aptos California Monterey Bay Marine Sanctuary