What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

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Real cold here (45) but yesterday went to the beach with the dogs. Nice weather, no rain


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Is this normal for this time of year? When is your 'cold' season, and has it changed any in the past say, five years?

We don't really have a cold season. We did have a cold snap a couple of weeks ago and it may cool off this weekend. No major changes in the last five years.
Fed the herd in what looked like a mini-blizzard....snowing/blowing....ground hard and polished. Very slippery.

Started at around 22*F this morning and went down to 17 when I was out there this afternoon. Supposed to be 4*F tonight. Filled the stove with Osage Orange today!
-6 out right now and -21 with the windchill. Yesterday I woke up and it was -35 with the windchill. I feel like a bear that is trapped in a cage and seriously going to go crazy. On the bright side though I guess I can practice splicing.

24*F here too....but bright and SUNNY! :D

It was only 7*F when I went out this morning, couldn't get either truck to start. The dog is mad at me as I ended up taking the van over instead.

Tractor wouldn't start...plugged it in, but ran down the battery (should have been more patient).....had to wait for it to charge enough, so I pulled a chair up and joined the herd basking in the bright morning sun. They didn't get chairs, though.
snowing like a madman here, chains on all our passes. doesnt snow here like this often, maybe some storm work tommorrow
yeah its pretty nasty out, might get some chains for the bucket if its needed today! its real pretty out ill get some pics today