What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

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Drainy here. I barely slithered out of my chipping jobsite this afternoon. I hope that I'll be able to get the chipper out Friday afternoon.
That is great MB. Way to go!

It just pounded rain yesterday for Tree Guy where he was working - about 40 mins from home. His supposedly waterproof boots proved not to be so, poor guy. Then when he got home we watched the storm come in all around our place but not directly over us. We had patches of blue sky but we could watch the storm hit only blocks away. It was very cool to watch - big black clouds, sheet lightening and bolt lightening, you could see the rain coming down in sheets. Our house stayed on the edge of it the entire time. Made quite the dinner time show.
70's here, cloudy a small shower less than 1/4", then pretty windy. Sounds pretty wild in BC Tree Guys Wife. We don't get much "weather" around here. Once in a while we will get some hail in the spring, very seldom get any rain past May, most years we don't get any rain past march, thunder storms about once every 2 years.
Squish, twice we had thunder lightnin and hail, major rain. lots of local flooding. including my place, twice! we are having building renos done and the trough they cut around our patio filled promtly. the sills to our three exits area all sliding doors with wood under so it seeped through quick. first four to six feet of carpet is soaked.
The construction crew helped on the bucket brigade and I helped around the building as other ground level suites had the same prob as me but nobody home. About 15 minutes ago the restoration guy came around and assessed the damage, I expect de-watering machines within the hour. sigh.
That's a pita to bad :( . They're saying it might get a little worse around here anyways with the possibility of snow at any kind of elevation brrrrr!
meh. it happens. I am just glad I was home to make the phone call to the site foreman.
call 1 - "uhm, there is some serious water buildup outside my suite, no, there doesnt appear to be any flooding"
call 2, 30 seconds later " THERE IS WATER IN MY SUITE."

30 seconds later outside my door are 3 young bucks with buckets and worried looks, I grabbed a bucket I had in the house (for cleaning my fishy tank) and started bailing. Whatcha gonna do?

funny thing was, my wife started late today, we were both kciking around the house till about noon, and we both commented on how it was weirdly cool this morning...
first wave was at 2:03, second was about 3:53, according to the pics I took.
round 1:

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round 2:
<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/vzHhiBToy90"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/vzHhiBToy90" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
we are getting reno's done to the building envelope at the moment. as in ripping all the stucco off, rip all the cladding off, replace the insulation, replace cladding, replace stucco. timeline, 18 months. the other building you can briefly see that it is scaffolded and 'tented' ours wont be done (tented) til january or so they say, hence the building crap etc on our patio area which is technically off limits until the project is over.
We've had a crappy summer and are prolly gonna get our asses kicked again this winter...:whine:

I need to go buy a new generator...


thats right you picked on us all summer now you have to put up with 30 plus inches of snow while I gotta put up with chilly weather and sunshine.:evil: