What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

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Rained last night cats-n-dogs. Today is sunny & firmly in the 70s here, leaves unfurling, trees are all blooming (Bradfords, magnolias, dogwood). Willows have just about fully leafed out.
78˚F yesterday -- let sweat season begin! Salt stains on the shirt at end of day. Tomorrow we will hit 80˚F for the first time this year.
Quite the contrast -- yesterday was 80˚, today's high was 50˚F. Made the first, bigger job "no sweat" -- 2 takedowns (a tulip and an ash) + an ash pruning. 2nd job was easy -- drop-n-chip a medium cottonwood on a property out in the country. Only difficulty was that it was in an open valley and we were seeing wind gusts up to 50MPH! Instead of going with the lean of the tree, we went with the wind for dropping it, worked out well. Afterward, stump grinding was a bit nipply in just a t-shirt with the cool wind gusting & cutting like that.
Boss called a rain day by lunch time. It quit shortly after. I’ve been home alone enjoying the quiet. Gonna take the mini and move a bunch of things quick so the wife thinks I’ve been working hard at home.
3 to 5 inches of snow, which melted when it turned to rain. Game of Thrones was right, winter is here for the season premiere :lol:
Not many things more refreshing then an afternoon t-storm in the rockies, been having a nice wet spring/summer here, life is good!
Mud season got extended?

Yeah, there's no way I would want to be a tree worker in the PNW, hat's off to them! I lived in Portland for a year or 2 and I loved the weather, but I was not an outside worker.

Rain, or any moisture, in this locale is welcomed by all.
Warming up here. Just trying to get home projects done asap after work and such.
All that rain and snow this winter set our projects way back. Trying to push work back to 4 day weeks to help sort out Shit home front.
Boss called a rain day by lunch time. It quit shortly after. I’ve been home alone enjoying the quiet. Gonna take the mini and move a bunch of things quick so the wife thinks I’ve been working hard at home.

My favorite trick too Rich, and be caught doing the last of them :lol:

You guys should watch Reg's battery powered leaf blower video.

I'm going to post my comment so far, and possibly try to edit later to add a link to the video. I'm working off of my handheld computer at the moment, & this stuff is a bit tougher to pull off.


Here's the link. Embedding video is asking for more than I can manage at the moment, with the tech I have available. Thanks.

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Here's an attempt to embed Reg's video.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/LU7jHaFMMP4" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Still no rain here, driest year so far for 150 years.

One week of winter left and it hasn't been that cold really except for one day. Things are about to change though, it's been blowing a gale and there's a cold front coming up from down south and they reckon snow tomorrow. Hasn't snowed here for nineteen years so that will be interesting, never seen snow.