What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

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11˚F currently. High predicted to be 22˚. 2" of snow on the ground and up to another inch still falling. Perfect day for working in the woods! Ground is hard frozen, so no risk of getting stuck when dumping, so that's a positive.
Bit of a storm in Sydney. https://www.9news.com.au/2019/02/08/18/44/sydney-storm-severe-thunderstorm-warning-hail-lightning

This is just down the road from my old place.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/SydneyStorm?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#SydneyStorm</a> James Ruse Drive 😨 <a href="https://t.co/9uNvVMt38h">pic.twitter.com/9uNvVMt38h</a></p>— Judy (@JudyJaz) <a href="https://twitter.com/JudyJaz/status/1093789723108114438?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">February 8, 2019</a></blockquote>
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2˚F currently, but looking for a high of 22˚F. I went out and did an errand in shorts, but it wasn't as brisk as I would have thought -- probably because it's still air right now.
It's 1, wind chill -19. It's fu*&^%g cold windy and iced the f@$k over I am not a happy camper. I remember when winter was cold and didn't rain for months but oh no not this god damned winter. Sorry just venting. (deep breath and exhale)
Expecting a bunch of snow AND wind.

Should warm up the ground, water has been colder it of the tap.

I need more insulation for my well-room, with the pressure tank and filters. Heat lamp for now. Way cheaper than no water and burst pipes.

My renters' tiny house line, barely under mulch, has been buried in more mulch. Just enough insulation.
Here's something I'll never be able to do!

<blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="a/3w66k6g"><a href="//imgur.com/3w66k6g">Experiment with hot water</a></blockquote><script async src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
They need to shovel that deck, not swab the deck. :drink:

Joy of joys overnight it warmed up to about -10c........and snowed. :forcefeed:
I had the Jag out about a week ago, top down. Air temp was 25 F. Wore my down parka, fleece ear flap hat and double layer fleece gloves. Seat heater on full, cabin heat set at 90 F, fans on mid level.

It was fine :D.

But not for most people. M told me so in no uncertain terms, as she loaded the woodstove and settled in for a cup of hot chocolate.
I wish I snapped a pic of the guy with the snowplow on the front and trailer of jet skis on the back.

In all likelihood, he was just transporting the jet skis... Still tickled the funny bone.
Positively balmy today at 54˚F -- break out the shorts! Of course, that made it mucky enough from final snow melt to leave big ruts and to get the bucket truck stuck. Pulled it out with the chip truck, just enough to get out of the sinkhole it was in.
5" of snow last night. Date night out was a bit hindered by the 40MPH top speed people were willing to drive on the hwy, but understandable given the blowing snow conditions. Still going to try to work today so as to finish off the property manager's list, just wait out the morning crunch hour and give the plows more time to catch up.