What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

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It could happen...or the west coast fault lines go and all that land mass slips underwater and raises sea levels all at once, like climate change on steroids :).
I think there is a bigger threat from the island off of Africa that could slip and cause a mega tsunami taking out the whole east coast. They predict it could be some thousand feet high when it hits the US. Plus the island is already cracking and sliding.
What island is that? Haven't heard of that but the one of the east coast is doing strange stuff, went unnoticed until a guy in New Zealand picked it up in November. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-11-30/ghost-earthquake-ripples-around-the-world/10570572

Well I can't get much higher and the coast is a fair way away now so I might make it.

Last time I said "we don't get earthquakes here" the Newcastle one happened the next day, so I don't comment on things like that now. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1989_Newcastle_earthquake

Nice day today, around 30C.
Won't be even close to high enough, sad to say, if the ice caps melt as predicted.

Now the La Palma thing , a huge tsunami???...I dunno, that's a pretty small island. Not exactly on the African continental coast, either :).
Damn that sucks!

-8F right now and dropping 2* per hour wind is blowing overnight low -26/-28F (that's 60*F below freezing for stumpshot) wind chill should be around -50/-60F by sunrise.
Gonna have to break out the good winter socks for tomorrow Rajan?
Our utility shut us down for tomorrow. High of 0 with -30 windchill. Our inspectors say it’ll be to cold. Must be hard to get out of the truck and spend more time putting a coat on than actually talking about the job. My pre and post job meetings today were over the phone because he didn’t want to get out of his truck. Oh well. The boss did good and got a last minute first aid and cpr recertification class set up for the company tomorrow. 8hours of sitting on my ass in a heated room!
Temps like that kill people trying to work outside, from time to time. Tissue damage can occur in just a very short time span. The very least little thing goes wrong, the cascade to a serious situation is fast and furious. Be very careful, or better yet, bail on working in it all together.
(that's 60*F below freezing for stumpshot) wind chill should be around -50/-60F by sunrise.
I speaka Celsius; most fluent in Fahrenheit. I just break it down to degrees below freezing to put things in context for the Canucks on board, to put things in simple terms we can all understand: it's cold out there!
(°C × 9/5) + 32 = °F

13°F currently here; tomorrow 11°F will be the high, -2°F the low. Yes, I plan on working. I feel for the poor soul up in the bucket truck! Ground level will be far warmer, plus ready access to the truck cab for warm up!
Gonna have to break out the good winter socks for tomorrow Rajan?
Our utility shut us down for tomorrow. High of 0 with -30 windchill. Our inspectors say it’ll be to cold. Must be hard to get out of the truck and spend more time putting a coat on than actually talking about the job. My pre and post job meetings today were over the phone because he didn’t want to get out of his truck. Oh well. The boss did good and got a last minute first aid and cpr recertification class set up for the company tomorrow. 8hours of sitting on my ass in a heated room!

They are called my slippers! Tomorrow's high is suppose to be -12 and the low of -32, that's actual air temp not the wind chill could hit -70, no work for the next two days just not worth it. Dangerous cold, frozen equipment, shit breaks way to easy nah I can stay home.

It's now -10 since my last post.
Yeah. That’s damn cold. I just waiting on Jimbo to tell us to quit acting like a bunch of pansies because he lives in bloody cold Montana.:\:
A wise choice. Staying home whenever the weather gets to the point of being as likely to kill you as not, seems obvious. Cold, hot, tornado, hurricane, lightning...whatever it might be.
This is true, but we don't have animals to take care of. I did that for a couple of years in high school deep cold then as well.
I can work when it's cold you just have to keep moving, stay hydrated, and eat high calorie foods. But those numbers are just dangerous.