What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

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Well, I guess winter is officially here. It was 40 below here this morning. And of course, since I had neglected to clean the filter on the oil barrel this fall. It chose this morning to freeze up. Funny how that works. It only took me 2 hours to get everything thawed out and flowing and the Toyo working again. . And a bottle of Power Service 9/11 . Red bottle . Had to keep coming inside the cabin to warm up the propane torch. Propane doesn't gasify much at 40 below. Now I gotta crawl under the wife's car and figure out why the oil pan heaters aren't working. .
Sure is great having winter back! :)
40 below! Holy crap! Cannot imagine that. -15 is the lowest I've experienced. Which seems like nothing in comparison.
Do you work in that?
I've done my own logging in these temps and a bit colder. Its kinda rugged. No way I would climb in the cold. Well, maybe to hang my own Christmas lights. This kind of cold is pretty hard on iron so it needs to be operated gently.
Out of interest I just "google earthed" glenallen and you've even got Streetview. Do you go to the Espresso bar With the bear painted outside?
I got pretty well set up for winter this year. Wood shed full cabin leveled so the windows and doors seal again. ( living on permafrost is a long term exercise in house leveling)
Got the unemployment coming in, which isn't enough, but it helps. Now my mission is to get a couple caribou. Don't have room in the freezer yet but its a pretty good freezer outside in the shed. Just peel them while they are still warm. Hang them up in the shed then go saw off what the wife will cook the next day. But I process all my own meat so it's kinda fun. . Bettern money in the bank.
Out of interest I just "google earthed" glenallen and you've even got Streetview. Do you go to the Espresso bar With the bear painted outside?

Not usually. I'm kinda cheap when it comes to coffee. My wife works at The Hub, junction of the Glenn and Richardson Hwys. I just swing in there and get coffee for free. :-) . Plus they havea new expresso stand at the Hub so I'de be on someones @#$% list if they saw me at the competitions coffee stand.
The sun just set a bit ago. Not quite dark yet but its 38 below on 3 different thermometers. Clear as a bell out. Unless some low pushes out this high pressure its gonna get cold. We'll see. I gotta put the wife's car to bed. Sleeping bag over the hood and a blue tarp all the way to the ground on top of that. It makes quite a difference keeping the heat in the engine. I running 350 watts on the oil pan heaters.
That sucks. Button down. Were a lot warmer than that but chilling off real good here tonight too.

I hate the cold. So hard on rigging.
I thot it would cool off overnight. 46 below right now and it will prolly bump down 2-4° at sunrise. It usually does in the winter. Ice fog is collecting I guess I got the oil barrel and line fixed yesterday. The Toyo was doing fine this morning.
I need to go to NAPA and get an oil pan pad heater to put on the propane tank. I've got an older sleeping bag to cover it.
2nd day of rain here... They have finally opened up burn season... Still no good for work though. Permitted only, 4X4X4 piles with water and tools, 7pm-7am. Might get some burning done on the phunny pharm though :lol:
Got back home from Charlotte today. Snow on ground 2" and temps in the teen's below 0. Supposed to warm up into the 30's tomorrow afternoon and stay in the upper 20's for the rest of the week. Had a great time at the show.