What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

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The big old farmhouse I grew up in was heated by a large stoker fed coal furnace .Now you talk about hot heat .My word the air must have been 110 -120 degrees coming out of the registers .It would blister you if you stood on them bare footed .
Upper 20's and sunny. Froze up all that nasty mud. Hopefully it will not snow till the ground has a good layer of frost.

Talking about the state misconception thing-you say New York to an out of stater-all they can think about is the city.
If you tell people in Buffalo that you live on Lake Ontario they say "Oh, you live in Canada." No, New York has a couple hundred miles of Lake Ontario shoreline. Lots of people aren't to bright.
:thumbup: Man, Cali's been getting hella rain lately!

Yesterday sucked in CA for a lot of folks due to the weather....

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We have to wait on some projects as you can't even get to them due to streams being swollen...
We are having rock slides up here in the canyons.
We are taking today off to let things calm down now that the weather has broken some. Even starting fires is a PITA :lol:
Yosemite is beautiful right now. But you have to be very careful this time of year with falling boulders.... And trees. Couple of shots from the live cams :)


We've had some days recently that snuck into the high 50's low 60's .Another system is moving in, cold .We have those big lakes ya know .About the same thing as a small ocean .
-18F when I left the house this morning, should rise about 30 degrees according to weather man. Just one small swarm of snow mosquitoes on the way in. Taking down Christmas decorations for a local service club's fund raiser in a park. Not predicting wind (less than 10 mph) so shouldn't be too bad a day. Will start with short boom, but have big boom plugged in, just in case.

Trimmed one tree and unhooked a few lights at the park yesterday, besides moving a little snow. As long as the chipper is on site, heat is not a problem, with big exhaust and fan blowing out through radiator. Just have to stand in the right spot.
Here is a good pic that explain a bit.

The red dot is were I live in south.

This is mid day Jan 1.

Up north there is almost no light at all.

But we go towards brighter day's now!

I did not realize when I posted those cam pics yesterday, that they update even here. Hope everyone enjoyed watching the sunrise in Yosemite this AM. I bet Burnam had a nice sunrise also. He was probably busy watching his woods :)
Hey, if you look REAL carefully, you can see me on Magnus' picture.
About a half inch to the left of the spot and a bit down:)
threat of yucky white stuff over the next 24 to 48 hours. People named Squisher that have snowplows should be happy.
Heh, I just had five or six days off. Beautiful timing for snowfalls this year, didn't mess with christmas or new years.
Its been really cold this week. Everyday they say its going to get warmer and then it gets downgraded. We haven't been above freezing for a week. We are taking advantage of it to grind stumps in previously mushy yards though. Who knows what our weather will be like next week.
pretty much a non event here, barely saw wet snow/rain this morning for a half hour or so. I wish I was as unaccountable as a weatherman.
So not even a 100 feet visibility then ....
You should have slid up the hill today, it was beautiful up here. 50s and sunny.
Once the frost was gone from the 20 F last night :lol: