Old Bay Seasoning - Wikipedia
It's made for seafood, especially crabs, but it's great on lots of things. Sprinkled on popcorn, vegetables, french fries... It's very salty, but has a unique flavor. I could send you some.
Too hot to cook when I got home so made a lentil salad.Plus when you eat lentils, you support Jim.
Got a case of these from meh.com. They're really good. Korean ramen is my favorite.
and Kaveman says "Hold my beer..." :^DDamn, you always have to bring us down a few notches John...🙄
"Bitch beer"and Kaveman says "Hold my beer..." :^D
Hold my sparkling cider dear!and Kaveman says "Hold my beer..." :^D
Hey, hey, hey, hey, I had mango with my dinner!Just to bring a bit of class back to this thread.
View attachment 134741
Tempura rolls
View attachment 134742
Poke bowl
View attachment 134743
Calamari appetiser
View attachment 134744
Mahi mahi with mango