What Did Ya'll Have For Dinner Tonight?

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Pretzels so far :^D I got a shipment on Saturday I think, and I forgot how good they are. Ate a bunch, and now I'm not hungry. I got the Special Hard this time. Those are my favorite. I alternate those, and whole wheat with sesame. Buy 8# bulk, and it saves you a good bit of money, but more chance of breakage. I first got them from the Amish hardware store, and they were the best pretzels I ever had. Been buying them online ever since. If y'all like pretzels, I HIGHLY recommend giving these a try. I've never had anything like them from a commercial bakery. The lack of fat and hand twisting makes a big difference.

What kind of peppers do they use in Indian food . The only one I can think of is the ( Bhut Jolokia ) ghost pepper. I thought Chocolate bhutlah, which is a cross breed of ghost pepper and the Douglah was one too, but I don't have much experience with Indian food.. Hottest I've had is garden fresh orange Habaneros and that was plenty hot enough for me. Try Dave's insanity hot sauce, if you can find it around your location. That stuff is pretty hot
Jalapeño are the pepper that tears me up, explosive. I can eat habanero, and ghost peppers and practically any other pepper for that matter without the same result.
Been back on keto for 3 weeks or so now. Aldi has zero net carb bread that’s pretty good and a while ago I ordered sugar free pancake syrup, so we’re doing French toast and sausage, maybe bacon too. Real bread and real syrup for the kids if they want.

This zero carb bread feels like a cheat code lol yesterday I had my favorite big snack/ small meal. Peanut butter and jelly with a glass of milk. The blueberry Splenda jelly made by Smuckers is delicious, and the milk was unsweetened almond milk. Still a little sugar in peanut butter, 5 or 6 grams I think, but easy enough to keep my goal of under 25 grams per day.
Flushcut: Man, I got to give you credit... That's some hot stuff. I buy the mild pickled jalapeno's for flavor.. i also really enjoy salsa Verde a lot, on everything from scrambled eggs to Nachos. I am planning on making a batch of my own this spring/summer. I wonder why you have the bad reaction to a more milder pepper and the hotter ones don't seem to bother you. Try that Dave's Insanity hot sauce, you might really enjoy it. The first time I tried it, I put a little on a chicken sandwich and damn near had to throw it away.


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Years ago I discovered that the owner of the sub shop I frequented liked hot food. He suggested I try some Insanity Sauce. I put it on a foot long hotdog like it was ketchup. I figured it's insane to put ketchup on a hotdog, so it seemed fitting. I was on my second bite before the gravity of the situation started to sink in. He wanted to call an ambulance, but I declined. I managed to finish the hotdog but with some difficulty as I could no longer feel my tongue, lips, and most of my face. I paid for that dog, and it wasn't going to waste.
Fish & chips from aldi(random pic found online)...


It's surprisingly good. Fish is crispy and tasty, and fries chips came out pretty crisp. They also have a "Scottish" version that uses haddock. I got that also, but haven't had it yet. Made in the UK. Highly recommended if you like fish & chips, and have a hard time finding it locally. It wasn't huge bargain. It was $5.xx for the single serving box, but it's a legit meal, and not light. As with a lot of their stuff, it's limited time only. They get more fish and vegetarian stuff when lent comes around.
Toni made beef vegetable soup in the crockpot. This babe can cook, it’s excellent. Something about spending time outside when it’s freezing makes these hot savory crockpot meals hit even better. Keto friendly in that it’s low carb, but not enough fat to be considered a keto food. Maybe we can add bacon next time or use a fatty cut of beef. As usual with soups, I added a big dose of black pepper. 2BC457A3-F49C-43A5-A76B-6B13D72E2D39.jpeg
She made a keto chocolate cheesecake too, the ganache didn’t set, so the topping is kind of syrupy but it still tastes amazing. I’m a fan of insanely rich, chocolate desserts and this doesn’t disappoint. Five grams net carbs per serving, and a serving is a pretty big slice.
Heavenly :)
I did this today: 15 Minute Chickpea Wraps with Garlic Sauce | Easy Heart-Healthy Recipe - https://spainonafork.com/15-minute-chickpea-wraps-with-garlic-sauce/

The mail order bride had a test last month and her cholesterol is too high.
Big surprice, being Swiss she loves cheese, heavy cream and butter.

We've decided to turn that around.
Next blood test is going to be fine.
So I have changed my way of cooking 180 degrees around.
We've gone more or less vegan.

Interesting challenge. I've been cooking all my life, x-wife didn't cook either.
I grew up with my father as the food provender.
Since I wouldn't eat meat, he told me to cook for myself.
So I started early.
Funny thing is, when I married a vegetarian, he did a complete turnaround, and got really good at cooking meat less, and took great pride in that.

So we are hoping the next test will be fine and then we can find a somewhere in the middle level for animal fats.

Till then, I'm hardcore vegan!

OOoooooooooooooooooh, the poooooooooooooooooooooor animals!!!!
x'ept for the dead fish.
Fish lead the list of stuff I simply can't eat without puking.
Followed by fowl, meat and eggs.

I'm probably the only "vegetarian" ( I never call myself that) who has raised cattle for meat.

As for "long life" to me, anything is worth keeping the mail order bride around for a little longer.
Plus, cooking like that is a fun challenge.
I can deal with vegetarianism, and was vegetarian for while, but screw veganism. I'm not giving up dairy.
Just about every work day I don't eat out is sardines or herring for lunch. Had smoked herring with black pepper today.