California Hillbilly
Leon.. I think you can find Ball jars cheap on ebay... Should work for the poop.. Just mark fragile on shipping ....

isthatIcanfindananswertomychevyquestionsonthatotherthreadandreallymakethisoldvehicleperformthewayIwantitoblahblahblahblah of consciousness...just what we all need to be doing these days..turn loose the monkeys in the mind..set yo-self FREE!!!
It's all WACK.
Twitter: little birdy sitting on a branch making little twittering noises.
Saying nothing, really, just making little twittering noises. Sort of like what I am saying/typing right now. Just listening to myself type this answer. Its a bright beautiful morning here right now, thank goodness the hard wind has stopped, but of course that means that it will get pretty hot later in the day, maybe today the job will go smoother but what I really hope for isthatIcanfindananswertomychevyquestionsonthatotherthreadandreallymakethisoldvehicleperformthewayIwantitoblahblahblahblah