Administrator Emeritus
Music > chainsaw noise

I'll delete it
I'll delete it
I can relate to that Reg. If I hear one at my nieghbors I tend to leave because I know it won't be long till I'm being asked for advise
Jim, it is called sarcasm.
Reg, being English, got it ( I hope!)
Reg, I was working in one of our coastal vacation home areas today.
A job where the owners had to be there, to direct which trees and bushes they wanted gone and how the pruning should be done.
It being saturday, of course someone with a stick up their ass had to show up and complain about the noise.
Amazing how fast the Danes forgot that saturday used to be a working day and still is for some of us.
A while ago I was killing trees in the same place on s summer saturday.
Around 4 PM two spaghetti arm office types show up on the site and lay into the HO.
So I shut the saw down and ask what the problem is.
" We just wanted to see who the friggin' idiot was, who ran a saw all saturday"
So I put the saw down, took off my helmet and walked up real close to them and said: " Could you repeat that, I'm hard of hearing so I didn't quite get the part about friggin' idiot"
Apparently I had misheard that part, completely.
I can relate to that Reg. If I hear one at my nieghbors I tend to leave because I know it won't be long till I'm being asked for advise