Tree felling vids

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I can relate to that Reg. If I hear one at my nieghbors I tend to leave because I know it won't be long till I'm being asked for advise
Jim, it is called sarcasm.
Reg, being English, got it ( I hope!)

Reg, I was working in one of our coastal vacation home areas today.
A job where the owners had to be there, to direct which trees and bushes they wanted gone and how the pruning should be done.
It being saturday, of course someone with a stick up their ass had to show up and complain about the noise.
Amazing how fast the Danes forgot that saturday used to be a working day and still is for some of us.

A while ago I was killing trees in the same place on s summer saturday.
Around 4 PM two spaghetti arm office types show up on the site and lay into the HO.
So I shut the saw down and ask what the problem is.
" We just wanted to see who the friggin' idiot was, who ran a saw all saturday"
So I put the saw down, took off my helmet and walked up real close to them and said: " Could you repeat that, I'm hard of hearing so I didn't quite get the part about friggin' idiot"

Apparently I had misheard that part, completely.
I can relate to that Reg. If I hear one at my nieghbors I tend to leave because I know it won't be long till I'm being asked for advise

Oh man that's funny. I've been nearly in fits before listening to a neighbours dull saw. Drives me batty when you can hear them pushing it back and forth like a seesaw.
I'm OK with covering up chainsaw noise with music. I live with that noise. After all, I have muffs to try to drown it out. If I could erase the sound with an editor while I was working I would. Looking forward to running the Husky battery saw actually. Picking music that everyone likes is impossible so I usually go for something that I like.
We just decided on getting a battery saw yesterday.
We were taking a big hanging beech down with narrow room for dragging out brush, so there was a groundie cutting in the drop zone almost constantly, drowning out what the climber and rope man was trying to say to each other.
Battery saw would be great for that application, I think?
Still, with a groundie sawing away that close to operations, and me being half deaf from a life of running saws, it was a problems.

That was a job where we afterwards talked about the amount of yelling it would have entailed B.R. ( Before Ropeteks)

I'll toss some pictures in the work thread.
Interesting to remove a tree where all crotches were upside down.
Managed to get 3 throwlines stuck before Richard just went up old style.
I love no cleanup jobs, or the use of fire. Chipper is so obnoxious. Actually, on a sidenote, I tried out a new Vermeer before I bought my Morbark and it was significantly quieter. I did not trust it's longevity though.
A powerful battery saw would just make that feeling better.
Jim, it is called sarcasm.
Reg, being English, got it ( I hope!)

Reg, I was working in one of our coastal vacation home areas today.
A job where the owners had to be there, to direct which trees and bushes they wanted gone and how the pruning should be done.
It being saturday, of course someone with a stick up their ass had to show up and complain about the noise.
Amazing how fast the Danes forgot that saturday used to be a working day and still is for some of us.

A while ago I was killing trees in the same place on s summer saturday.
Around 4 PM two spaghetti arm office types show up on the site and lay into the HO.
So I shut the saw down and ask what the problem is.
" We just wanted to see who the friggin' idiot was, who ran a saw all saturday"
So I put the saw down, took off my helmet and walked up real close to them and said: " Could you repeat that, I'm hard of hearing so I didn't quite get the part about friggin' idiot"

Apparently I had misheard that part, completely.

When I get complaints about noise, I just tell them I need the money, as an opener. They don't usually pursue a moral argument thereafter.
Fires are great, as long as you know how to start them!
They are becoming increasing verboten even here in rural France.
Which is bad news for my hundred tonnes or so of poplar, pine and assorted rubbish piled up in my field.
That would be a lot of digging. I burned a pile like that every year quite a small portion of the removal waste wood really. Because I would take most of it to the dump so my pile wouldn't get to too big and any decent firewood/logs were always salvaged. I've got a hell of a pile still to burn this spring just from 3-4 months of operation last year.
Ha, I'm with you Stig...I find the volume slide and turn it waaayyy down.
There was one tree video that was set to classical music, last year sometime I was fantastic!

I have to admit, the days I hear a saw, my 'pokey nose' goes into overdrive...I have to resist going to sticky beak, check who's cutting trees on MY patch! Around here in the village, most of the time it's Eddie Freeman the chainsaw carver up on his block creating masterpieces, or someone cutting firewood. Rare to hear a dull saw in our village, many retired tree fallers and wood cutters, they know what's what!
Yes...good music, well chosen. The early tree that took SO long to finally start tipping was fun to just wait for...the music was you didn't give in to the temptation to go do some more back cut. The anticipation was the best part.

And that top you cut at 3:33 was to see the different camera angles and how it all played out.

It's a pleasure to see your saws cut as well as they do.