That's always good to have in mind... And WEAR YOUR HARDHAT!

I'll give you some constructive ideas to build on. Take them or leave them but I mean them in a positive encouraging way. A running bowline is light years ahead of that clove hitch rig you were using. If you have able bodied men on the ground, make them run the rope, not you. Last, bore cutting didn't seem to fit the bill there. Bore cutting has its place. But leaving that with a holding strap of oak wood to try and crank over puts a lot of useless strain on your rope. I would have sooner suggested to notch the tree, crank on it a bit to tighten up, and cut through the back and leave a good sized hinge, crank some more, cut some more, crank, etc. Walk that tree over basically. That rope was tasked with pulling that tree against its lean, and also pulling hard enough to break an oak strap. That can add up. If you leave a good hinge after coming in from the back, combined with a tight rope, that tree would be held in place. In that case you can start putting the muscle to the hinge and letting the back cut start opening bit by bit in a controlled manner. A wedge pounded in the back would have stood the fella up a few degrees to get the ball rolling.
If I was looking to hire a climber and I had two applicants - all things being equal, I'd hire the one who used a running bowline.
You did a GREAT job Randy! Cool video and pics of the tree job.
I can't see the vid for some reason. But unless the tree is stout, the rope is old, and the pull is heavyduty than rope/knot strength with a bowline will not be an issue. Ime.
Does that mean I can apply if I start using a running bowline?
But, you understand the jist of what I'm saying... right?![]()
I have a some of the same thoughts as constructive criticism. I have one or two to add. Quit using your climb line tail. take a second line to natural crotch with or shoot a line into the tree and have it already there. If it is good and high above you, less fooling around.
You also should have had your climb line on as soon as you started you ascent. Not.." well throw me that there HH and prussic please".. You should be set up for ALT, ready to go. Not when you hit your first branch union.
You are learning.. you have an open mind. Just tune it up a tad![]()