I don't mind debate, Jerry. I think that is pretty much a given by now.
I also don't mind a good verbal fight once in a while ( Brian and I have had some whoppers and we can still be Housers together
What I mind is that those two Arborist Site tranfers are spouting the same shit here that they are used to doing over there.
If I wanted to be a member of AS, I would be one. I am not, I'm a treehouser, and we don't need to constantly be ragging on GOL, hating greenies and bragging the PNW up, in order to pass time together.
While I can easily handle being told that I'm worthless by Cody( based on the fact that he has met one guy who had done a European logging course and walked away from a tree???) I don't enjoy it and I think it is a totally owerboard reaction on my very mild critisism of his brother's facecut.
But at least he has walked the walk of timberfalling, which I respect.
Jameson, who is trying to be a logging oracle, is in reality a school kid with a weird PNW fixation and has yet to prove his mettle on a logging operation, so I find it very hard to take him seriously.
I am a member here because I like being here and hanging out, right now with those two AS-holes here, I don't enjoy it much, so I'll take a leave of absence till I feel less pissed off or they have crawled back into whatever cave they came out of.
I'll leave my e-mail address with Butch, if anybody need to contact me.