Tree felling vids

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Yep, I'll bet that your inability to make the bottom cut in one try was what made it work. :lol:

Do you actually read you own posts, and in that case, can't you hear how lame that is.

Business as usual when dealing with you, a mixture of chest beating and bemoaning that the sheep can't see how brilliant you are.
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The stupidity of that statement is fantastic, almost unbelievable.
That's a 13-15" cut made with a sharp 201t with a 16" bar from the bucket. Do you really think that someone with almost 40 years of chainsaw experience can't match cuts on his face? Are you not aware that I repeatedly have promoted the use of the plate cut to add height to the front of the hinge?

Are you not aware that a block face (with tall fibers on the front of a hinge) offers greater control than a traditional face (where the apex of the notch is defined by to angled cuts meeting, leaving the fibers on the front of the hinge are only as tall as a kerf). Taller hinge fibers on the front of the hinge offer more control. Is there anyone that would argue with that?

The face that you criticize as shoddy work has been intentionally made to offer greater holding ability on a windy day for a cut that most arborists (I'd guess over 90%) would have never made due to the high winds that day. You must have taken Rico lessons.
Finally watched the Jed video. Aside from the filthy wood, that looked like a lot of fun. I'd love to have an opportunity like that to be able to practice falling without the stress of damaging valuable timber.
Daniel, what has brought this on, is not my stupid accident, but the fact that while we were used to your eccentrics in the various treefelling threads, showing stuff that to you was "out of the box" and to everybody else "collateral damage", now you have teamed up with that other tin foil hatter, Frankie, and infested almost every thread with your inane conspiracy shit.

So where I used to only call you out on your sad lack of ability with a chainsaw, now I also call you out on your obvious craziness about how the World works.

As for you leaving the 'House.
Why don't we have a poll.
I think most members would be glad to be rid of you.
You've brought nothing here but treefelling advice that any sane person would stay well clear of and a bunch of " They are out to get us" Tin foil hatter crap.

There is not a single thread that you have started, that hasn't ended in the usual: " I have over 4000000000 videos on you tube" chest beating idiocy.

So, honestly. I think you'd do us all a favour if you packed your tin foil hat and went elsewhere.

Maybe to one of those other tree forums, where they love you.;)

I realize this came out harshly, but we have a saying in Danish: " Der skal skarp lud til skurvede hoveder"

That basically means, that if the recipient is a little lacking in understanding, you have to use strong language. ( For Jim: literally: " you need strong lye soap for the dirtiest heads")
Stig, just click the little 'ignore' tab by his name. It will really clean up the threads and you won't have to read the stupidity.
Alright Corey: I'm sitting down tonight to rub my wife's feet, and watch Jake's vid all the way through.😂 What was all that cutting about?... Dude... We were ALL so very out of our element... trying to heed what the very good, but very odd advice the instructor gave to us... for me it was a bit of a nightmare. I'm gonna watch it now, and I'll try to answer your question in a way that could make some kind of sense.

Sorry I haven't been in here you guys. The stupid fake pandemic shutdown has us ALL at Eastide just chasing our tails right now trying to get our heads above watter with all the work... Stinkin nightmare. The governors and garbage polliticians who shut us all down should be thrown in jail. What a joke.
Loved the teaching vid with the burnt trees.

My nephew (24) has decided he wants to be a climber, I've managed to secure a few days here and there with a climber local to him, he lives in the north of the UK near (old) York.
We’re trying to book a short course for him at college.
Anyway I’ve been telling him to watch a few vids and he said he already does, guess who his favourite is?

Guilty of Treeson.

Looks like you're a star!
Gotta say, this profession has a pretty regular swing between love n hate. Mostly love, mind you, but yeah.
It’s honest work, there’s good money if you have half a brain and a pair of balls, I have high hopes, and so does his father (my brother) who’s in agriculture.

Life's not just about making as much money as you can so they can put you in a fancy coffin.
Ain't dat da troof! Famous?! 😆 That's cool about your nephew though. I'll tell Jake that he likes his vids... the kid puts a ton of work into it, and it gives him a real fealing of fullfillment. This next generation is really interesting... they learn everything from watching vids, and as a result they work at their own pace (read NOT fast). Videos are everything now. It's so funny. So very different from the crotchety alcholics who broke us in.

Oh... Corey... I went back and checked that part... yeah, no, that was some escape-route stuff, that Roy Hauser would have insisted on if he had come up while the boys were cutting. One of the things that the vid does not get across is how insanely steep a lot of the terrain we were messing around on was. He just cut horizontally to keep his chain out of the dirt. Kind of a goofy thing to do, and a goofier one to include in the vid imo.
It looked mighty steep when you were knifing that big one- the far side was close to ground level and far side was 6-8' up?!?
Dude, if I had fallen off of that redneck spring-board, I would not have hit dirt for 12 to 15'. Oh the silly things a guy'll do if he gets to cut an old growth Fir.

5'8" on the stump. I said 220' in the video, but after it was down we guestimated it to be closer to 250'. The tops where blowing out of the bigger ones from the sheer wind velocity generated by the centrifigal force of those pigs whistling to the ground.
It’s honest work, there’s good money if you have half a brain and a pair of balls,...

Life's not just about making as much money as you can so they can put you in a fancy coffin.

Jed had some good thoughts on Tree Life vs other occupations. It's Classic Jed and posted here with his OK:

"I was doing rebar for the San Diego Ironworkers 229 union. Bridge overpasses, stadiums, high rises... miserable gig, man."

"Good money doing ironwork? Why'd ya hate it?"

"Why did I hate it? Man, True-blood treemen like yerself have absolutely no idea how huge the aesthetic/spiritual benefit we get to experience on the daily basis is. Try sitting in an office cubicle. Try selling Vita Mix machines in Costco. Try packing rebar into some dark, dingy hole, or else across some long, arid stretch of concrete...covered in oil and mill slag.
The money was awesome, but they can keep it"

Poetic in its Truth. :drink:
Unbelievable that so many people can denounce our opinion as, "daft, hippie talk," and simply run after the top dollar at all possible costs.

Might be a derail, but I think it's really worth pondering why tree guys tend to define the concept of wealth so much differently from the majority opinion.
Jed that looked like a great experience. I know your company flies guys to the east coast yearly. I’m hoping to make it out there. A class like that might make it a business trip
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Unbelievable that so many people can denounce our opinion as, "daft, hippie talk," and simply run after the top dollar at all possible costs.

Might be a derail, but I think it's really worth pondering why tree guys tend to define the concept of wealth so much differently from the majority opinion.

Oh I like money alright, as the saying goes “I’ve been rich and I’ve been poor, rich is better”
:lol: Granted. Well put by.

Ohio Rich: If you was ta show up next year, that would be good incentive for me to make it down there again. WATCH OUT fer their stinkin Poison Oak though brother. CRIKEY!!!:O
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@Jed Do you have a name of that class so I can look it up? Trees reaching 100’ are a bit rare for arb work in Ohio but I might need the experience just in case a 200 footer pops up and needs to be dealt with. Always best yet to be well rounded anyhow.
:lol: Yeah, sure man, It's called, "The Art of Felling Timber," with Roy Hauser. Weirdest thing: their website is currently down for re-design, and because of something or other having to do with the virus.:?

Goofiest thing is that it's this "invitation only," :lol: type of a deal for the Double-Cut seminar. If you really want to go, a single word from Jake or Gordy would get you in with Roy without a hitch... and BOTH of them would be more than happy to make that phone call for you. Just let me know if and when you for sure want to go, and It would be a snap.

When I mockingly inquired about the silly "invitation," thing, it was explained to me that in the past there had been a ton of guys who snuck in with a friend who had had a hard time either starting the saw, or who had throttled all the way up with the chain brake on who yet could not figure out what was wrong with the saw... that type of thing. Really weighs the whole group down because the instructor has to stop everything and explain how the guy has rammed too many chips into his bar tip and therefore can't get the saw out of the cut... that type of thing.