Daniel, what has brought this on, is not my stupid accident, but the fact that while we were used to your eccentrics in the various treefelling threads, showing stuff that to you was "out of the box" and to everybody else "collateral damage", now you have teamed up with that other tin foil hatter, Frankie, and infested almost every thread with your inane conspiracy shit.
So where I used to only call you out on your sad lack of ability with a chainsaw, now I also call you out on your obvious craziness about how the World works.
As for you leaving the 'House.
Why don't we have a poll.
I think most members would be glad to be rid of you.
You've brought nothing here but treefelling advice that any sane person would stay well clear of and a bunch of " They are out to get us" Tin foil hatter crap.
There is not a single thread that you have started, that hasn't ended in the usual: " I have over 4000000000 videos on you tube" chest beating idiocy.
So, honestly. I think you'd do us all a favour if you packed your tin foil hat and went elsewhere.
Maybe to one of those other tree forums, where they love you.
I realize this came out harshly, but we have a saying in Danish: " Der skal skarp lud til skurvede hoveder"
That basically means, that if the recipient is a little lacking in understanding, you have to use strong language. ( For Jim: literally: " you need strong lye soap for the dirtiest heads")