Tree felling vids

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Yup, that would be me.
Just a total fraud.

Danny boy, the only reason I ever posted any videos was that Gary gave me a camera and asked me to post some short bar stuff.

Since I was laid up at the time, which was one reason he gave me the camera, to keep me from getting cabin fever, I posted some stuff that my partner and apprentices were doing.
I have never had a "You tube channel". in fact, I gave up on the whole thing because every time I wanted to show something here, I had to ask my apprentice to help me out.

I offered to pay your ticket over here so you could show us dumb commie fallers how to do it, you declined, 'nough said.

I may be a fraud in your eyes, but at least I'm not a laughing stock at each and every arborist/logging forum known to man.
I've asked you before, if you really are so fantastic and groundbreaking in your work, then how come everybody but the homeowners and amateurs laugh at you?
I've got over 400 videos up on YouTube in the past 10 years. Arguably the broadest library of anyone in the industry, covering many aspects of tree work, from falling, rigging, specialty cuts, novel techniques, pruning, physiology, history, cabling, characteristics of specific species, safety, common mistakes, practical advice, equipment, special techniques and cuts used in the bucket truck, philosophy etc. If you want to critique my work there is plenty of material there. You've seen a lot of it over the years. Can you point to anything in those 400 videos that supports your name calling. Find a video, put it up, and critique it... or leave my name out of your unsupported petty insults.

And then make your YouTube channel public and I'll do the same to you.

The value of your input at this site has diminished considerably while your attitude has become more and more negative and aggressive. You've changed. Even the Squirrel mentioned it.
FYI, Murphy... From where I sit Stig has been consistent over the years as being a sound reasonable voice backed by expertise and willingness to share. No Bluster, no bragging, just fact. Sure he got his brain scrambled recently falling down the stairs but I can't tell that's diminished his willingness to help, share or his ability to effectively convey the things he's learned and thinks might be of use to the rest of us.
FYI, Murphy... From where I sit Stig has been consistent over the years as being a sound reasonable voice backed by expertise and willingness to share. No Bluster, no bragging, just fact. Sure he got his brain scrambled recently falling down the stairs but I can't tell that's diminished his willingness to help, share or his ability to effectively convey the things he's learned and thinks might be of use to the rest of us.
Gary.. of all the regulars on this forum, you have been one of the best, consistently positive, supportive and uplifting contributors. I have a lot of respect and appreciation for you. You are a good man on all levels.

And I recognize that Stig is a highly experienced faller and trainer that generally makes good calls, with some very notable exceptions. We've had our disagreements in the past but I hold nothing against him and actually have enjoyed some of our jousting about technical issues related to tree work. But of late, he's been dragging my name into these threads and issue repeatedly, that I have nothing to do with. I don't like it and I'm not going to stand by quietly and let that borderline slander go unchallenged.

I've asked him repeatedly to support any of his name calling and slanderous comments about me with some factual support, some data, some reasonably logical argument. Other than the one time I misunderstood a technical article that was written ins Swedish?, he has nothing! He's resorted to name calling which seems far below what one would expect of a true expert.

So I apologize for all the ugliness our little spats have brought into this forum. I'd like to all a truce and let this all be behind us as it's getting tiring and boring.

If this continues I will probably just leave.
Daniel, what has brought this on, is not my stupid accident, but the fact that while we were used to your eccentrics in the various treefelling threads, showing stuff that to you was "out of the box" and to everybody else "collateral damage", now you have teamed up with that other tin foil hatter, Frankie, and infested almost every thread with your inane conspiracy shit.

So where I used to only call you out on your sad lack of ability with a chainsaw, now I also call you out on your obvious craziness about how the World works.

As for you leaving the 'House.
Why don't we have a poll.
I think most members would be glad to be rid of you.
You've brought nothing here but treefelling advice that any sane person would stay well clear of and a bunch of " They are out to get us" Tin foil hatter crap.

There is not a single thread that you have started, that hasn't ended in the usual: " I have over 4000000000 videos on you tube" chest beating idiocy.

So, honestly. I think you'd do us all a favour if you packed your tin foil hat and went elsewhere.

Maybe to one of those other tree forums, where they love you.;)

I realize this came out harshly, but we have a saying in Danish: " Der skal skarp lud til skurvede hoveder"

That basically means, that if the recipient is a little lacking in understanding, you have to use strong language. ( For Jim: literally: " you need strong lye soap for the dirtiest heads")
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FYI, 'eccentricities'

Since english is like your 4th language, I'm guessing that was a minor slip up not a typo, and you'd be interested. :drink:
Damn it.
That was a major slip up.
Thanks for pointing it out.
I crossed the way we say it here with the English way.
Won't do that again.

My English has been way tuned up by my membership here.
I love the way that other 'Housers , who know how much it means to me, help me out.

I would call it my second language, going from when I started learning them.
Deutch being the 3rd.
Then Russian should be the 4th, but I never really got comfortable with that, even after 2 years of studying it.

Personally, I subscribe to the old adage that languages are best learned in bed.
The ones that I have the best relationship with, are the ones where I have worked and lived in the country, and had a girlfriend.
Good stuff, stig

I would dare say you are very gifted in language.

I would say, fwiw, I have a good interest and grasp of words and of the english language, but when it comes to learning a foreign language, nah I'm all thumbs. I'd love to learn spanish but it just don't seem to sink in
Get a job in Mexico and find yourself a little senorita.
Before you know it, you'll be fluent.

Actually, the thing that really works, is having a friend who will cut through the polite" Oh, but you are doing so fine" shit and just give it to you, hard.

I have been lucky enough to have 2 in California and one in Schweiz.
People who will break in when you are talking to someone else, and correct you, because they know that is the best for you.

I do the same with the mail order bride.
She makes a mistake, I tell her.
No matter what the circumstances are.
You echo my thoughts, both Fiona and Gary!

Though I think Stig is likely wise enough to use his prescribed method in assisting language learning, and not for much else...I hope for his sake, anyway :D.
trying not to die today:

Just out of curiosity, since I haven't seen the video. I just noticed the picture.
Is there some kind of deep reason for the seemingly, made by no less than 6 cuts, face cut?
Does the slight dutchman serve some, unknown to us lesser beings, purpose.

I bet most members here can do a facecut in two cuts, but then, they are not " Working outside the box", of course.

For a self claimed master, you sure do some sloppy work.
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SO you are criticizing as video that you haven't seen... Brilliant!

Maybe it would be good to reserve your judgment until you actually see the video and take a closer look at the hinge wood in question. No evidence of multiple cuts on the face or any bypass.

I wonder how many of the folks here would have put that tree on hold for another day with less wind?

Hopefully your nonsense is due to cabin fever, not brain damage.

Note: notice how quiet it gets around here without me. I've seen felling and rigging go a week with no new posts
Daniel, I'm only talking about the face cut as shown in the picture.
I count at least 6 cuts in that.
Takes 2 to do a face cut.

That is why I asked you if there was a deeper reason for, what to me looks like your usual bad chainsaw handling.

There is plenty of evidence of multiple cuts, anyone but a rookie can see it.

Look at the bottom of the face, it is not one cut, but two. Most people do a flat bottom, you apparently prefer two cuts at diagonal angles. I'm sure you have an excellent: " Out of the box" reason for that.
Then the end of the face cut where the hinge starts, is made by 3 or more cuts besides each other.

But, of course, going: " I wonder how many of the folks here would have put that tree on hold for another day with less wind? " is easier than standing up for your sloppy work.

So, as usual, we are back to you doing your Cassius clay impression: " I'm the greatest!!!!!", instead of simply answering my question.
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Look at the fibers on that hinge Stig....

Have you much experience with tulip trees?

What you called a dutchman was nothing more than the compression of the fibers on the front of the hinge.

Is there anyone on this forum that can put up post of an air cut of that diameter that has anywhere near that length of fiber pull?

can you spend the less than 2 minutes it takes to watch the vid please.
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I'd rather just look at the face cut.
A " Normal" face cut is two cuts ending in the exact same place.
Look at yours!!!
You apparently started the face bottom cut, then changed your mind and di another one at a non horozontal line, that intercepted the first one.
The second cut didn't meet the top face cut, it seems, but sorta fiddled about for a while, making 3 little bevels.
On top of that is the cut that actually met the top cut, and set the hinge front.

Crappy work.
idiotic analyses.....

You have the opportunity to gain a better knowledge of the circumstances in about 100 seconds... why would you not take a look at a more complete picture before passing such judgments. Your asseements seem to come from some utra-orhthodox viewpoint that leaves no room for anyone doing things differently than it says in your training.

So once again rather than look at the complete picture or ask a why or "what for", you pass judgment. So that is going to illicit my natural response... I can cut circles around you!!!

Check out this video from Jack. He used not 6 cuts to make the face.. he used 60

do you have 30 minutes to watch him cut a face?

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Hey that was a fun vid!

@Jed Coupla questions- at 30.41ish, what was all that cutting about? And a lot of that timber looked sound but it was said earlier it was no good, was wondering why.

Btw, Madsens looks freaking amazing!

Priceless youtube comment:

Half Insane Outdoor Guy8 hours ago
inbred jed is the best nick name in human history.
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I'd rather just look at the face cut.
A " Normal" face cut is two cuts ending in the exact same place.
Look at yours!!!
You apparently started the face bottom cut, then changed your mind and di another one at a non horozontal line, that intercepted the first one.
The second cut didn't meet the top face cut, it seems, but sorta fiddled about for a while, making 3 little bevels.
On top of that is the cut that actually met the top cut, and set the hinge front.

Crappy work.

This statement is a perfect example of why I say you are stuck in your box. Your thinking is completely limited.

The size of those fibers in the broken hinge shows the hinge gave a huge amount of control. Has anyone here ever seen any hinge in a cut of that diameter with that much fiber pull?

Any faller with an open mind would be asking how did that cut create so much control from the hinge wood. Maybe ... just maybe, the unorthodox face cut had something to do with it. Screenshot_20200527-080540_YouTube.jpg