Wow, seems like last time we had this conversation; you started a forum!
i'll play around with youTube; but as you starting at Zer0.
Regular webpages/forums in text, search engines can read/rate.
Vids, like pix only have tags, title,description + if add captions to use, the whole content isn't rate-able like text.
So, search wise it doesn't matter how good the vid is, if don't give proper keywords etc.
Perhaps if some interest folks could write their own title/description/keywords in future,
throw captions in on vid. Advertise selves and house; it all matters.
Maybe even some can list some titles/keywords/descriptions of present vids they have or already have good keywords etc. attached.
If this seems like a good way to go; there'd still be some workload to init anything of size representing what is here.