Tree felling vids

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Check out the stump on this screenshot from the video and you will see a little bit of just how far to the left I faced this leaner in order to get a parallel lay.

That is an awesome picture. No wonder you hung in at the stump so long to get the English on it. That takes hella nerve to face it at a structure and then dump it in the hole. That kinda cut makes you feel a lil sick beforehand and like a million bucks after. WELL DONE SIR!!!
I thought DF was by far the main peeler species from which most all plywood comes from?

I believe that is the case, nothing else gets much play unless it's for fine interior finish work, like alder, oak, ash, etc.; or exotics from the tropics, for boat building and the like...all expensive hardwoods. By volume, it has to be DF that dominates the ply market in this part of the planet.
That is a nice shot, good work, August. Not taking anything away from it, but still it pales in comparison to Nice Guy Dave's famous flop between the houses.
I dunno Jay. I wanna say Dave's tree was pretty arrow straight. I'm not sure which one I wourld "rather" do if someone put a gun to my head.
Jerry tells a cool story about drilling a near perfect shot on a side leaner over a friendly bet but the guy not thinking it was perfect enough to pay.
I dunno Jay. I wanna say Dave's tree was pretty arrow straight. I'm not sure which one I wourld "rather" do if someone put a gun to my head.

I totally agree. AH's tree took tremendous skill, experience, and feel. The other tree was more just get the face pointed where you want the tree to drop afaik.

Great pic, Benn. That spar had the added danger or bounce issues. That massive white oak would beat the foundation given 1/2 a chance.
It was treewisemen rigging wood. Yeh that drop was risky but saved loads of bullshiting around!

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Cheers mate, Im not missing doing those jobs one bit. Too much stress. Give me what i got now :) Just did my own first job in Brooklyn, 550 for 2 easy hours. Cherching :)
That is a great vid, nice to see it again. The fell was perfect obviously.

It looks like that job was no less hairy than the ailanthus stuff you do in nyc.