What do you hoot and holler folks do when it doesn't go perfectly?
I tend to throw a riggin fit. Just a while back I was doing a close quarters removal of some black cottowoods for some Jehova's Witnesses, and had most of the touchy stuff pieced out...then I mis-judged a piece, I think mostly due to heavy fog and wearing my screen goggles. Anyhow, I looked down and thought there was plenty of room for the piece, but instead it hit a rail on the fence and knocked it off...I threw a huge cussing, riggin fit, and after a minute or so, had to apoligize to the two guys (both Witnesses) for my shenanigans. I told my Mom later about it, as she follows that religion, about my riggin fit. That has been one of my biggest challenges since I have started doing tree work...to not throw bad riggin fits. I realize that bad habit developed over years of working out in the woods anonymously, and not being held accountable for when things don't go right