Tree felling vids

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What do you hoot and holler folks do when it doesn't go perfectly?

I tend to throw a riggin fit. Just a while back I was doing a close quarters removal of some black cottowoods for some Jehova's Witnesses, and had most of the touchy stuff pieced out...then I mis-judged a piece, I think mostly due to heavy fog and wearing my screen goggles. Anyhow, I looked down and thought there was plenty of room for the piece, but instead it hit a rail on the fence and knocked it off...I threw a huge cussing, riggin fit, and after a minute or so, had to apoligize to the two guys (both Witnesses) for my shenanigans. I told my Mom later about it, as she follows that religion, about my riggin fit. That has been one of my biggest challenges since I have started doing tree not throw bad riggin fits. I realize that bad habit developed over years of working out in the woods anonymously, and not being held accountable for when things don't go right :)
I tend to throw a riggin fit. Just a while back I was doing a close quarters removal of some black cottowoods for some Jehova's Witnesses, and had most of the touchy stuff pieced out...then I mis-judged a piece, I think mostly due to heavy fog and wearing my screen goggles. Anyhow, I looked down and thought there was plenty of room for the piece, but instead it hit a rail on the fence and knocked it off...I threw a huge cussing, riggin fit, and after a minute or so, had to apoligize to the two guys (both Witnesses) for my shenanigans. I told my Mom later about it, as she follows that religion, about my riggin fit. That has been one of my biggest challenges since I have started doing tree not throw bad riggin fits. I realize that bad habit developed over years of working out in the woods anonymously, and not being held accountable for when things don't go right :)
Oh my, may want to get that tandem care of ;)
I just go to the link above. That's the sort of music they used in Guantanamo to torture the inmates:lol:
Good work, what was the temperature?
I don't know about that one. I typically refrain from being an arm chair judge, but I just don't think there is a lot to take away from it. Four days with that equipment?
4 days, ya, uhhh. looks like a largely open drop, with ability to free fall. Solid enough tree to rig big pieces. Short distance to forward brush to chipper.
Oh my, may want to get that tandem care of ;)

If I do throw a riggin fit, I do it with style! No, seriously, it is a struggle for me, and I wish it were that easy to take care of. I was always a hot head when I was younger(kind of went with the territory of being a young timber faller), but in '02 I had a couple second growth redwood trees roll over me when I was falling timber in northern CA, and received some head trauma from it. Started struggling with a lot of things after that wreck, and I am still struggling. I was diagnosed with traumatic brain injury the spring of 2013, so since then I have learned a lot, and have tried a lot of different things to help. Anyhow, like I said, I wish it was easier for me to deal, but one thing I have going for me is I am stubborn, so I won't quit trying.
Hopefully someday it will be better for me. Like I said, it has gotten harder from when I was younger, before my wreck.
Haha, we need a video of that!

I have thrown a few whils't videoing, but, my better judgement told me to edit out. My style, and every one elses probably differ by a great margin:) If somebody stole a piece of my equipment like just happened to you, I would be at my worst!
No, Keith was cool, this was Philip, the oldest son

Ohhhhh... o.k... got it... Yeah, Clearance told me about him... Didn't have too much nice to say. Kinda freaked me out... Ya know... I guy talking that way about his own son and all. Kinda sad I guess. O.k. well... really sad.

Yeah, I always thought that Keith was a super admirable guy. I hang my head in shame when I recall a tree-planting job (not my forte) that I did for him that went terribly wrong. Man he was ticked.
A 'hissy-fit' Butch calls it. I've had a few myself over the years. Though not outwardly. More in my brain.

Ger, you always seem so steady in your vids as well as your posts, and obviously your experiences speak volumes as to your nature. I have always admired such steady aptitudes...something I strive for, but seem to come up short.
In the interim there was lots of bumps in the road, Cody. What kept me together through the years was pausing at times and reminding myself to take it all objectively.

That's how I become an Elder in the House. Welcome!
God says it's not so much what we show on the outside, but what we know is on the inside.....

Now I just pray to God that on the day of judgement, Jesus just decides to edit all my stuff out... Fingers crossed??
I have thrown a few whils't videoing, but, my better judgement told me to edit out. My style, and every one elses probably differ by a great margin:) If somebody stole a piece of my equipment like just happened to you, I would be at my worst!
Water under the bridge at this point, only thing left at this point is to check with the mini storage across the street tomorrow in case they have something on film and to deal with insurance. Someone told me once that getting mad at others gives them power over you. I usually settle down pretty quick. On the outside at least...
Ohhhhh... o.k... got it... Yeah, Clearance told me about him... Didn't have too much nice to say. Kinda freaked me out... Ya know... I guy talking that way about his own son and all. Kinda sad I guess. O.k. well... really sad.

Yeah, I always thought that Keith was a super admirable guy. I hang my head in shame when I recall a tree-planting job (not my forte) that I did for him that went terribly wrong. Man he was ticked.
He loves him, just can't figure him out. Only kid in that family with no drive. I had to send him off the job more than once over the years.
In the interim there was lots of bumps in the road, Cody. What kept me together through the years was pausing at times and reminding myself to take it all objectively.

That's how I become an Elder in the House. Welcome!

Sound wisdom. Hopefully someday I can share some, as you do, with a lad such as myself.