Tree felling vids

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The wranglestar dumbass was some thing like an acct in the real world. Then moves off the grid and becomes a know it all, preaching on ytube to the rest of the prepper mentality.
I try not to click on any of his, he is using the vids to make money off the ytube ad share stuff.
Im cttreeclimber on youtube commenting on the video. That dudes a turd.

Treestuff sent him that stuff free too. :O

Hes got a popular channel regarding homesteading? I guess you can call it. After seeing the vid it makes me wonder about how much of his other vids are bullshit.

You were one of the voices of reason that folks didn't want to listen to...I am afraid videos like that can encourage some guys to try tree work and get some innocent folks hurt. Good advertising for TreeStuff but if those yayhoos had gotten hurt...or broke a high voltage line that killed's a two edged sword.

Yep, Cory...lame is a good descriptor.
Yep, i was just trying to state the obvious. I get the same vibe from the other videos, like he reads something about a certain thing then is a pro. Perfect example of jack of all trades master at none. I unsubscribed.
I'm suprised TreeStuff would have anything to do with that. And why didn't he just push that 'lil top and drop it in the front yard???
Uh, oh. Should I send my TreeStuff back?;)

I guess you have a point. Some idiot like me watches his vids and get the wrong idea about stuff. Maybe tree climbing and Arb work is something a person should receive REAL training in?

I could tell there was a difference in his technique compared to videos I watch here. It seems like that chunk should have run a bit more. The one that rocked him good any way.
He's smooth talker, and I'll bet he smooth-talked Luke into giving him all that gear with the promise of a video demonstrating the proper and professional ways to use it. What a waste, and too bad for Luke. Write it off I guess, but still! I sure hope Luke will be more careful in the future. That whole demo was full of mistakes. gross, Lucky fools again.
I like that knuckle grapple crane thing. Would like to get a chance to use one sometime.
That wranglerstar or whatever his name is, is just lucky no one ended up hurt or dead. One new guy is a liability on a crew let alone a whole crew of no nothing guys. Does it make me a bad person to say I was waiting to see someone get hurt?
That video was bogus. That climber will do alright once he realizes he has no clue. I liked the cowboy holler as the top went over. Stig said he makes his apprentices do that.....
I like the way that grapple works. Can't say I've ever seen it used before in this kind of work. Awesome technique! Was the climber controlling the crane with that little yellow remote, or whatever it was?
"Big fir tree"???
Far as I can see, it is a Norway spruce.

Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Fir???

Those guys seem humble confessing: we're a couple of amateurs, but I was thinking, "yeah, a couple of amateurs with $2,000.00 of free equiptment." Those guys are really naive if they think that encouraging other amateurs to tackle their own tree work is a good idea. I've had direct experience with one homeowner who got seriously injured from tackling his own tree.
I like the way that grapple works. Can't say I've ever seen it used before in this kind of work. Awesome technique! Was the climber controlling the crane with that little yellow remote, or whatever it was?

one remote for hydraulics on kboom. one remote for eletric grapple.

Is that Riggem and Roll (whatever its called) or another device? Anybody catch it?
There is only one grapple of that type afaik, the rig em n roll (sp?)
That video was bogus. That climber will do alright once he realizes he has no clue. I liked the cowboy holler as the top went over. Stig said he makes his apprentices do that.....

I holler like that when I top...but I ain't nowheres near as dipshit as that guy! I grew up around cowboys, brother was a bull rider and bareback rider, cousin was a bull rider, grandad was an old cowboy, so I guess I just feel like I have to do it when I top!
That video was bogus. That climber will do alright once he realizes he has no clue. I liked the cowboy holler as the top went over. Stig said he makes his apprentices do that.....

Are you jerking my chain?
I tell them they'll get fired if they do that.
Act like it is something you do every day, no big deal.