Tinnitus, Hearing Loss, Hearing Difficulties, Etc...Discuss.


Oct 13, 2016
Olympia, WA

Just an article I happened upon, after getting that periodic hearing thing I get: lowering of ambient noise volume in one ear, with an accompanying increasing-pitch and increasing-volume tone, lasting a second or two, maybe three.

I definitely have ringing in my ears at times.

I figure that this is an occupational hazard, and people have experience in dealing with it.


I have a ringing sound, but I can still hear a pin drop.
If it is tinnitus, sometimes it’s an easy fix.

Sean’s one of those guys who reads up about a disease then thinks he has it.:D
I seem to get tinitus when Im unhealthy and my BP is high... at night time, right ear, 2 tones at random, a tone apart. Thankfully in tune lol. Its gone now Ive been a good boy for a few weeks.
I have it badly. Both ears.

I reckon it was down to standing next to speakers stacks at raves when I was younger.

Bursting an ear drum didn't help as I am sure working with power tools hasn't either.

I have had it that long now that I didn't t notice it until someone mentions it or I see the word written down.

Now my ears are buzzing like a muther ducka! Thanks! ;)

I get an unexplained high pitch tone in one or both of my ears from time to time. . . Figured I'm working my way up to a heart attack. :lol:
I was discussing this only the other evening with a neighbour. She trained a few years ago in some neurological stuff. I forget now what she said it was called. Apparently it can work in some people with tinnitus.

Electrodes are connected to skull behind the ears and brain waves are monitored. Displays on a monitor, such as a picture or tv show are effected as the waves get stronger. Due to the desire to make the image clear again the brain tries to find a way to reduce the activity subconsciously and therefore reducing the tinnitus.

I hope I got the explaination correct as she is a German lady and although we had a good conversation, some of it may have been misunderstood.

I will probably give it a go sometime.
I have tinnitus and eye floaters. Neither bother me unless I think about them. My sister has it so bad she went to Cleveland Clinic. No help. She has to have a noise machine to sleep.

Being a court reporter she tried every cure measure possible. No luck.
I have occasional bouts of tinnitus, usually triggered by a loud noise, normally the retard dog barking right next to me. My mid range hearing has also deteriorated some. It's the price of working in a noisy industry I guess.
I have it, seems to be worse lately.

I get mad ear wax build up, get it removed every couple years. Doing it last week, got a hearing test too. I was expecting the lady was going to marvel at my hearing for an old tree guy....she said I borderline need a hearing aid.:|:
Lol I thought losing your hearing was one of the advantages of getting older... No more listening to people lol
She was probably telling you her cocker spaniel had worms.

Haha! Now that made me laugh :lol:

I've got ear crickets pretty much all the time, like a constant crackly hiss...then those high pitched squeals every now and then, must be the little Japanese men in my head tuning up the system orrr sumptin'.
I put it down to years of droning marine diesel engines...all those long hrs of motor sailing, and fishing.

I don't really pay much attention to it so it doesn't bother me too much. My overall hearing is still good, did one of those tests in the visiting hearing clinic van a couple years ago, nothing much to note apparently. One side it a bit worse than the other.
Might be different now I've passed the 50 barrier...things seem to break down a lot more quickly now...
It wasn't until I started reading this that I noticed my ears were ringing. I usually don't notice it but I have had it for several years. The hearing guy said it was because I drove around with the windows in my pickup down and I'm sure running heavy equipment, chainsaws and shooting didn't help either.