If you think Butch's friend's one is bad!

You guys with your big powerful trucks, please don't laugh at mine! I just purchased one of these, three years old with only 7000 miles on it. I got a pretty good deal, the previous owner died (not in the truck) and knowing a used car place owner. He didn't even wash it. My wife is accepting of this being the family car as well now, since we only have one vehicle. She doesn't do much driving, walks or rides her bike for the daily errands. Not a good time for us to be buying a car, but our old Nissan was twenty years old and the body was rusting out. I think in twenty years the Nissan after we purchased it new, never needed anything but some belts, a thermostat, and work on the brakes, it was sad to part with something that gave such good service, RIP. Anyway, this truck is pretty perfect for getting me to tree jobs, otherwise I don't do much driving myself. Pretty zippy thing, I like it. No air or power steering, a basic model, but someone did give me an AM/FM radio to replace the only AM in there.

I like the truck, it zips around with a 660 cc engine, and gets good mileage. This is an internet photo, but mine looks the same. I swore I would never drive a kai truck....all the farmers have white ones and seeing them all the time used to give me a headache. Oh yeah, high and low speed four wheel drive at the push of a button, pretty useful in the winter especially, can go about anywhere. Maybe if I put some rims on it the thing would get a half of a cool point? Another thing about kai trucks here is that the required two year inspection with taxes is pretty cheap. Practicality over awesomeness these days, I guess....

Try to picture it with a big chainsaw in the back. The only problem is figuring out which one is mine in the parking lot when I come out of the large home center. Man, I don't know what happened to me? I used to drive a Chevy.