Another day of low stress, but technical enough climbing and felling to be interesting. I was able to do all the aerial cutting with the 200t, double-cutting some. Construction company got the mess cleared. So much better than when I left off with a huge mess the other day.
I was able to rip between included trunks, and cut stubs down enough to fall two stems, leaving me just the stronger, intact leader that held my high TIP.
Had some sun, some rain, some hail, some good wind. Nothing too big deal, just kept taking bites of the elephant.
Wind helped me stay clear of the fence line a bit. Folded stuff under me. No roping, no handling, just timing, as best I could. Slapped the barbed wire with some little whippy stuff. Inconsequential.
This was once a stump that regrew, leaving an open center to stand in, and fell spars.
Pics got a little wacky while uploading.