The Official Work Pictures Thread

Then I jacked each side a bit at a time, inserting 2x4s then 4x4s, then 6x6s, till i had it up to 6” above the wall

Once there I ran 6x6s across the wall and the cribbing, and laid the pipe sections on top
It was only a matter of pulling nice and slow with a come-along.

Took all day, but half of that time was spent moving all the other logs out of the way and down the street to their garage storage clients barn. Lots of fun!
i just noticed the first post i made is all garbled. something got it all out of whack when i tried loading pictures from my phone. hopefully it still makes sense.
I'm not surprised the stone chipped, I watched it in slow motion, and it set down hard on the wall, so hard it looks like it sheared the end on one board off. I was a bit surprised there was no damage until I heard about the chip. Still a great job on that one.
Yeah, I had a bunch of cribbing supporting the end of the 6x6 past the wall. That way the weight of the piece was supported straight down to the ground, but the 6x6 wasn’t fresh and it sheared off at the end like you can see. There was a little overhang on the top stone (the stone was 3/4” flat pieces mortared to a masonry core) and it think the broken piece of the 6x6 chipped that overhang as it rolled over it. All in all not bad. I had told the client ahead of time that i wouldn’t guarantee zero damage. And he was really pleased with the results 🙂.
When I say nit-picking... one little clump of mistletoe, and yeah that dead spike. Not much else came out of that tree. Honestly, we'd do well to make a visit in the spring, for easier deadwooding. With these blue oaks, it's kinda hard to tell dead from dormant right now.

Got my throw line stuck in a live oak early on today, and had to take the long way up the tree. Once up, I couldn't see the dadgummed line, the last few feet has lost its color, so I made a little cut to move a dead hanger, and the first thing I managed to free was my throw weight and two feet of line. Bugger, I guess that line is 178 feet now...