No this is home, but i will travel for money

I'm not nearly a good enough climber to go work for someone or contract climb, but i do ok on my own if need be. Working construction pays well, and also pays for health insurance and pension. I'm a steamfitter who dabbles in pipelining, and both are quite specialized trades. The more specialized the trade, the more you usually have to travel. We have several chemical plants around here, 3 coal/ gas powerplants, a nuke, 4 hospitals, plenty of commercial work, and a bunch of schools. It just so happens that they have all been slow for a few years, not that long ago we had people from all over the country coming here to work. We were spoiled for a long time, now it's time to hit the road to pay the bills.
The unions have this down to a science, it's one of the greatest advantages our contractors have. If they need hundreds of code welders, riggers, med gas brazers, etc. they simply call the hall and tell them, and the business agent gets the needed manpower. Trained drug free professionals with years of experience, who pretty much expect a layoff at the end of every job. Some guys only travel, because the calls are for overtime heavy jobs, eliminating the need to work all year if they don't want to. Basically I'm a mid price whore
Edit: Rich i expect pipeline to get going hot again, it's just not fully up to speed for the welders yet. As I'm sure you know, Ohio is a definite hot spot lately, might end up there yet lol. There were calls for single hand welders in Lima, a big powerhouse i think, a bunch of our guys went out there already.