The Official Work Pictures Thread

We have a Sam for climbing...

Better you relax and check the shapes and drink sparkling water or italian espresso on tap....


  • 20181223_075347.jpg
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  • 20181224_145102.jpg
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Yeah very cool job. Ive never done tree work inside.

So those trees grow fine inside, eh?
Merry Christmas!!
Thank you guys. Just maintaining it as it goes...

Most failures are in transition, so I just keep it pinging...

Here's a pic of my boss/prime supervising....

It's easy work... but lots of hours and stress... and unlimited funds but very high expectations...

When I was younger I did big trees, both prunes and wrecks...

Between this client and the city's street trees... the small detailed trees are where it's at... as far as sales... way less volume and guaranteed repeat business if you do it right....

I've focused on the 20 year olds with high aptitude and created a sort of self appointed arborist academy... I'm willing to carry and train the right people...

The youngsters make it easier to get up, they still have fresh outlooks...

Thanks guys... so far so good.

Even if it all came crashing down, I'm better than I was and at my age I'm not against #vanlife and cruising the world with the fam...


  • 20181223_092154.jpg
    277.6 KB · Views: 74
Here is a job I started two days ago. Phase 1, which is done, was to take 3 hemlocks down. Phase 2 (TBD) is to chip all the branches and logs. Half of the stuff to chip is free of the bittersweet vine, the rest is a tangled mess. Since it is the first time I deal with that much vine, should I expect/hope it to go in the chipper or will it just make a mess in the chipper? The chipper will either be a 7" or a 12" but I doubt it matters. Opinions about getting rid of the vine are welcome. The icing on the cake is the client saying: "It is a Brush Chipper, it can take the vine easily". I doubt it. vine.jpg
It looks a bit like the vine we call, Russian vine or Mile a Minute.

Depends on your chipper I guess, on mine it’ll sometimes wrap around a feed roller, just reverse and forward a few times and it’s fine, never actually fouled it to the point of it being an issue.
My little 6" will get the feed roller wrapped up in the vines. A 3" length of branch fed into the chipper has been enough to break it apart off the feed roller.
The vine diameter goes from 1/4 in to to 3 in which is like a branch at that point. The vine is Asiatic bittersweet vine. Red berries everywhere, here is another angle. vine 2.jpg
For chipping the vine, you are in trouble if you try to shred the mess as is. Either the feed rollers can't catch it (too thin, too soft), or if it does, too much comes at the same time. I don't know about the big chippers (the usual ones for you), but for the small ones, what works well is working the tangle to get a continouus cylinder with almost the same diameter, like giant rope.
I aggree though, it isn't really fun.
Indeed. That tree took 1 hour. The previous site took 2. Lot of talking and drinking coffee going on inbetween....tough day. Hey, its Christmas afterall