Hazard madrone, hazard maples, and two hard leaning medium-ish madrones over the service drop and trees.
Poor man's spider lift. The Nifty 50' was just, just tall enough to put straight up under the end of a stone dead madrone, about 62' tall. No way was I going to rig off it.
I did a bit of a hail Mary rig... Threw the rigging line down through a thick forest canopy, rigged of it. No problem catching the top. Heat pump and house, and man-lift plumb below it, so I had to rig it.
The lift barely fit. No bucket truck access. I don't think a pick-up could have fit the lift into the back patio where the outriggers wrapped the corner or the house.
Brother in law of customer just bought a Wood miser. Saved some mill logs for him.
Nice water front property/ vacation home.
All wood and chip stay for use onsite/ mill.
Squeezing in the back with the lift meant saving a crane bill and coordination.