...answer a text once in a while!!!
Dude, I think they (Davey) just cut us off on all our texting stuff. I can still email pics with a few words, but I can't seem to receive stuff. I betcha I never even got what you tried to send out. I know yer just joking on the "mentor," bit, but still... if'n you was serious... here's where my mentorship'll getcha. Lost power on a fully loaded landcape truck in the granny gear yesterday on a client's driveway. Stinkin brakes wouldn't even hold the stinkin truck to the cow's face hill... skidded down backwards and smashed the chipper into the house... probly $1,500.00 damage...
Same job... goooooofy, stringy Maple. Check out my goofy rig just to rope-off to the lead over the driveway.

Deva: Killin it with no remorse.
Butch: Heck ya, you said that... stuck right into my foggy, little head.
Cory: The climbin I wanna shoot for, I think I would call, "All-School"... like I srt'd all day today in this Maple, but... man it's weird... something about Butch's quote about the Taught-Line... Can't explain what I'm tryna say. O.k.... let me try...
When you use srt on a removal in spurs... it's fun because you don't need to pull yourself up manually by the ropes (cause you've got spurs on) and you've got exactly half the slack to take out as you ascend in order to keep your climb-line taught. So, it's good when you have to do a lot of big vertical ascents and decents.
Man, forget all this... I'm ramblin... sorry... I'll get my thoughts together one of these days. For now let me just say that our lines up here in the pnw get stinkin NASTY in like, nine months of rain season... so yer lines are like, wet, dry, dirty, wet, dry, pitchy, wet... you get the picture, and the VT, the Blake Hitch... everything man... they just work so inconsistently. But the Taught-Line, man... it works really consistently no matter how stiff and nasty yer lines start to get. You can run it the Butch way: 2 down 1 up if it's wet out, or 2 down 2 up if it's dry. I'm starting to just LOVE it. Plus there's the ergo advantage of being able to grab the doubled line in both hands, that just ROCKS after you've been on srt for a while.