Just catching up on all these great pics and story's. Good stuff. Carl's crane, fantastic
Jed, when you felled the fir across the road....did the estimator price it that way ?
If not, do you report back to the management at Davey, or keep it hush ?
Looks like it worked out well, but I just wondered how that approach fits in with their safety protocol. Come across a lot of Davey guys here, who tell me they kept on a tight leash....the reason why ask. And, nice work on that bean pole also, hope it wasn't too wndy.
I mean to address also, Justin, Pete, Scott and Brian and whoever else can stand to read this. Ohh, and RICH! HA HA!! YEAH!! Missed that stinkin wisker. DANGIT!!! Knew you'd catch it. Dangit again!
Ok... Reg and friends... 1) No. He priced it for every twig/wood to be roped out. 2) Yes (but this is just me personally) I always "report back to management,"... the "hush," trick would never work in our little gossip-circle shop anyway, otherwise, I'd use it now and again.
3) As to their "Safety Protocol," let's just say that I broke almost every rule they have: 1. No rope in the tree. (wedges) 2. No chaps. 3. Guys not anything even remotely like, "one and a half times away from the top of the tree at the moment of impact." How are you ever gonna get a good vid that way?
4) Now, as to it's "working out well," well... now... that's another matter, but you'll find that money talks and that's it... safety and all of that other rubbish (Ohhh... yeah... we're "kept on a tight leash," also, but...) goes staight out the window if the salesman stands a good chance to put an extra thousand bucks in his pocket, as well as giving an extra thousand bucks back to the customer for turf damage. Customers like that.
Justin: I've (as you've seen) taken extensive pics of the job for a short "Tree Falling (heavy on the "Falling," rather than, "Felling.") Seminar," that I'm supposed to give Thurs. morning. I intend to give a fairly honest, "good, bad and ugly," account of what falling big trees is like. I'll be including this shot of the turf damage that I did to the unsolicited neighbors, the shot of the turf damage that I did to the clients lawn, and a shot of the utter destruction of our company's plywood. As to the public safety, brother, I'd just never ever take a chance with something like that. We coned-off both ends of the street with a guy manning both ends, and the curious neighbor would have had to tramp-through an absolute THICKET of landscaping before she/he came within earshot of our warning cries. Having said all that, brother... falling trees still sucks sometimes. Stuff happens. You can miss yer shot... the wind can come up... Here's a shot of the neighbor's lawn....
Here's the customer's pitch-fork repaired lawn under the 3/4" plywood...