And sorry about the stubs, but I was totally using them as perches. . .
At some theoretical point in the future, Sam, Butch may... he just may (Ya never No) be inclined to forgive you. DUDE! Yer a true hinge carpenter, brother... tried to give you some comp. today, but I think ya got me. DUDE! That tree was no stinkin joke. You guys hammered that pig.
STIG!!! Bout time sir!! Crackin pics all the same. Some of the best pics ever (all would agree). Easy day, my ass.
Rich: You might double-cut better than Stig. Oops... that's the beer talking, again.
Sean: Really nice oak. Good luck on "waiting fer some dry weather."
Deva: Man, O man, that WAS a pic.
Scott: As Sam or somebody pointed out... I can't even UNDERSTAND the rings on that pig. Some pretty fluffy firewood, but probably stinkin heavy with all the rain you guys have had of late. Crackin pics.
Paul: You put us all to shame with that thing. Looks like fun, bro.
170' dead Fir today, measured off the 200' Three-stand today for my brother Reg. I climbed darn-near to the tassel today to try to measure it up well enough. I took a little baby-top (which saved out pretty miraculously... only the little tassel broke) which we measured on the ground with the log-tape at 16' 5". Stingy little pig was probably only 33" dbh... wish I woulda measured it. Joe even grabbed a couple pics.