The Official Work Pictures Thread

Understandable I guess, all the noise he experienced at the track. Possibly he doesn't want to be reminded again of Michael Schumacher on his rear wheel, looking to pass.
Mick I'm probably splitting hairs here but I only take issue with it when they present a restricted schedule without offering any reason as to why.
Damon Hill was courteous enough to say that he wanted to sleep in until 10am, the others may say the baby sleeps till 2:30 or the neighbor works late shift etc. I appreciate that open style of communication, its a good foundation for things to come.
I guess it's then your choice to say whether you can do it or not.
If you're busy you can play hardball, if you're scratching around you can't tell them to go hang.
Some people just like to be difficult, gives them a sense of getting their money's worth.
I find that hotels that if they don't have a day with predictably no guests, will want you to do the work between check out and check in time. The late start can be particularly a nuisance. The one I regularly work on trees at is less particular about work running past check in, but if at all possible I think it best to try to avoid that. Most guest come from the big city thinking to find peace and quiet when sitting in a hot spring. Only once have I ever had a customer tell me, "That's a good sounding saw". Few laymen can appreciate that kind of thing.
Sometimes I have work at vacation rentals that we put off a start until 10 when the guests are gone or getting ready to leave. Some time slide that little drop and walk elsewhere first thing or buy the lads breakkie.
There are lots of contracts such as airports and highways that can only be done in in the wee hours at night.

Sea World n the San Diego Zoo are others.

Deva: Hope yer startin to feel better, man. Nice pics. Monster pig.
I know, boo hoo. Everyone gets sick...but man the last two nights I've soaked 4 shirts with the night sweats and chills. Vicious.

Scott. Way to make something out of the HO request that looks sustainable.
Looking good, Sam.

Oak removal over a shed, w new fence, and full disposal.
Two green groundies. The one is the rock climber who has been around a month, and staying another month. Used to catching 120-200# people. Upped his weight today. Had a learning curve on the POW, and picked it up quickly.
I used (Reg's???) advice... Tell the new POW operator to gently crash the piece into the ground, and you'll achieve "letting it run" and coming to a stop.

Have someone coming to take small rakings and chips for hugelkultur.
Some mill logs.

IMG_20170320_120952201_HDR.jpg IMG_20170320_120955254.jpg
The left most leader's trunk logs IMG_20170320_191259334.jpg
A ratchet strap does wonders to keep the POW steady.

The picture doesn't show it well, it's 3 leaders. The front leader makes a good rigging point, several feet in front of the shed, plumb. Tag lines to pull into the hole, away from the fence. Brushed out the front and left leaders.

Rig-n-ring meant very little wrap on the POW, even with logs.