The Official Work Pictures Thread

Aerial hedge trimming...


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Id say way more. He's stood in front of it too, so probably wider than it looks.

Yeah I'd say 4 to 500 years old, poor thing is riddled with brackets, but still healthy looking, Tree next to it had an incredible one sided spread with an Owls roost. A privilege to work on such trees, in the town of Glastonbury, so much history.
I bent my MS150 bar tip twice last year and bent it back in a vise...finally gave up though


Happened to me this week with the 461, just as I was bucking a log.
Damned thing blew up with so much force, it wedged the bar in the cut and I had to make a cut next to it with the 661, so I could break it out.
Yesterday I took down a 100 foot spruce in cottage country. Bad side wind plus the base of the tree was basically hollow from an over ambitious woodpecker.
Used the customers Ford tractor as an anchor for the guy line rope and felled the tree between his cottage and garage laying it down his driveway. I woke up this morning and swore to myself when I realized I didn't take any pictures.

Did take pictures today though of this little job of a 3 stem birch removal. Biggest stem was a little too close to the bare high voltage up top and there was a head wind. So I had to fell it along the fence.....little Muck Truck did it's share of work today.

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Tight like a tiger, Williard. Better you than me.

Rough lookin hedge, Fi. Bet you went through a good bit of drinking water before that thing was done.

Another Cottonwood reduction for the Seattle Arboretum. Pig was leaning hard downhill so I had to go up and torch a bunch (nearly all the limbs) of weight off to get it to fit in the narrow little shot we had to save-out all the keeper trees. Pigged out on the stump to about 40". Andy got one of me up in a Maple from Fri.

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Nice squeeze Willard, well done. I like the muck truck.

Jed, good action shot there with the plane in the background, multi-stem madness.
Jed I love the jet plane shot. Nothing like big cottonwood to make life difficult. Good work!
Grendel, I use my big shot almost as much as my saws. Always have a new spare Bigshot on hand.
Levi, I don't know how I would manage without my buddy the Muck Truck. It carries all my gear in one trip to the tree and he doesn't mess up my customers yard. Plus he can carry and dump more weight then any mini skid can carry at a quick walking pace.
As long as I have firewood hoarders fighting over my wood I don't see any reason bothering with another piece of bigger equipment.
You guys are doing some fine cutting...gutsy drop, Willard. Cool to seek skill like that shown.

Jed...the Force is still strong with you.:D ARE Mr. Casual, pushing that chunk away like that.:lol: