The Official Work Pictures Thread

Job in Brooklyn today. Rained some. Take down pin oak with a few wires to deal with, and prune two others. All material taken thru house. Lucky it's being renovated ATM.

this was the pin oak to be removed.
setup a rigging point in another oak for the wood
and pruned for more light two pin oaks

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Ahhh... that suck's Ben... You and Andre are the men for sure. Tight like a tiger.

I on the other hand had plenty of space, but a naaaasty Red Cedar today. Busted the top out from another tree to get some weight out... chain-binder around the trunk and then a bore-cut into the woods. Then a house-leaning school-marm Hemlock that ended up being a hair-bit rotten as well. Climbed a few pull lines in for mental security, but it wedged into the woods just fine with no pulls....

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Got home to a nice snow in the Mts...

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Big tree, Benn, nice job. Whose stump grinder, I might have a job for that small machine.
Between Ben and Andre I don't feel like I've had a nasty one in a while. Damn tight on both jobs! Nice work. And Jed, at the rate your going there aren't gonna be any trees left out there. I feel bad posting my stump pics today image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg
Great work as usual, Jed! Awesome trees up your way.

Tight quarters on that one, Ben. Never dragged brush through a house before. Looks..... Tedious.

Here's a few of the new truck, got the hood and boom painted, have a little more work to go.



Hoping to clean up our mess tomorrow, this picture shows about half of it. Thinning out dead aspens and removing cottonwoods to promote the aspen stand.


Dingo not cooperating

Benn, probably wouldn't be worth it, its in CT, I was thinking out loud sorta. Wish I knew someone nearby with one.

Bigtwig, that must be a high making all those logs disappear so easily. What did you do for wood removal before?
Good stuff guys!
Been on a job I shouldn't have taken on, all going away as chips.

Yesterday did over 125 yds
I miss my old bosses asv with dymax tree shear with accumulator!
That's the truth, Ben.

Nice and clean Joel!

Cory: I started with my k2500, OSB sides, and my back. Then a beater k30 and a 79 chuck and duck. Then rented skid steers and used my dump trailer for a while for bigger wood.